- He admits to being hyperactive. 他承认他是极度活跃的。
- He admits to being an emotional kid and being teased. 他承认自己小时候是个爱哭鬼,总被欺负。
- He admitted to be in the house when the murder took place. 他承认在谋杀发生时他在住宅里。
- He admits the report to be wrong. 他承认那报告是错的。
- George would never admit to being wrong. 乔治从不认错。
- In it he admits to being involved in a dogfighting ring but denies gambling on individual fights. 他承认斗狗的事实但否认在个人的斗狗中有参与赌博。
- Asked why his blog had not been shut down, he admitted to being perplexed. 当被问到为什么他的博客还没有被关闭,他坦诚感到困惑。
- Mrs. Cross admits to being easily annoyed. 克罗斯夫人承认很容易生气。
- She admits to being strict with her children. 她承认对自己的孩子很严厉。
- He admitted to having taken the money. 他承认拿了那笔钱。
- He admitted to a liking for classical music. 他承认爱好古典音乐。
- Few people will admit to being racially prejudiced. 很少有人会承认自己有种族偏见。
- He admitted to a great liking for horror films. 他承认非常喜欢看恐怖电影。
- He admitted to me that he had stolen the purse. 他向我承认他偷了钱包。
- He admitted to a liking for classical music . 他承认爱好古典音乐。
- David did not claim to be perfect or sinless, for in many other psalms he admited to guilt and asked forgiveness (e.g. 大卫从没有宣称自己是完美无罪的,他在很多其他诗篇中都承认自己有罪,也求上帝宽恕(如第廿五篇);
- He admitted the statement to be true. 他承认说的是事实。
- I must admit to being ashamed for what has happened. 发生了这样的事我应承认我感到惭愧。
- He admitted the statement to be true . 他承认说的是事实。
- He wants to be admitted to the team. 他想得到允许入队。