- He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo. 在照相前,他调整了快门。
- He adjusted the thermostat. 他调整了一下空调器。
- He adjusted the lathe and readied the cutting tool. 他调好车床,把刀具准备好。
- He adjusted the telescope to his eye. 他调好望远镜以适合眼睛观看。
- Then he adjusted the violin and began playing. 然后他调了调小提琴开始演奏。
- My room is too warm. Please adjust the thermostat. 我房间太热了,请调节控温器。
- It is rather cold here, can you adjust the thermostat? 这儿太冷了,你能调节一下恒温器吗?
- Kirov's fingers trembled as he adjusted the fine-tuning dial of his radio set. 在转动收音机的微调旋钮时,开诺夫的手指在颤抖。
- Using a screwdriver to adjust the thermostat pointer, set the thermostat(s) to the desired water temperature. 使用螺丝刀调节温控器上的指示器,设置所需要的水温。
- She adjusted the thermostat. 她调整了一下空调器。
- He ignored most of the cameras, glancing in their direction a few times as he adjusted the fit of his baseball cap. 他坐在大巴上靠窗的位子,对蜂拥而至的镜头不予理会,只是在整理他的棒球帽时瞥他们几眼。
- Kept the thermostat lower to conserve energy. 减少自动调温机的使用以节约能源
- He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country. 他很快使自己适应了这个国家炎热的天气。
- You can regulate the temperature in the house by adjusting the thermostat and radiators. 通过调节恒温器和散热器你可以调节屋内温度。
- He adjusted his tie and left the room. 他整了整领带离开了。
- He adjusted quickly to the heat of the country. 他很快便适应了这个国家酷热的天气。
- Jarod smiled mysteriously as he adjusted the system to compensate for some static. 杰罗德神秘地微笑了一下,调整着系统校正了几个静音。
- Before attempting to adjust the thermostat, make sure you read and understand the section of "Water Temperature Regulation". Any other adjustments must be made by qualified service personnel. 在打算调节温控器之前,请确保您已经阅读并理解“水温调节”章节的内容。任何其他调节都必须由有资格认证的维修人员进行。
- The thermostat is based on the fact that different metals have different coefficients of expansion. 恒温器是以不同的金属有不同的膨胀系数这一事实为根据的。
- He took out the binoculars and adjusted the focus. 他取出双筒望远镜并调整了焦距。