- Hcrba Asari 东北细辛
- AIM:To investigate the reasonableness test of different parts of Herba Asari. 目的:考察细辛不同部位应用的合理性。
- Objective: To establish a method for GC fingerprint determination of the chemical constituents in Herba Asari. 摘要研究中药北细辛GC指纹图谱的建立方法。
- Results: A method for GC fingerprint determination of the chemical constituents in Herba Asari was established. 结果:获得了较为理想的包含特征信息的细辛GC指纹图谱。
- OBJECTIVE: To comprehend the dosage of Herba Asari in the historical preparations and the present clinical prescriptions. 目的:了解历代成方制剂及现代临床处方中细辛的用量。
- OBJECTIVE To determine the content of Aristolochic Acid A in different parts of Herba cum Radice Asari and in Xuetie Dingchuan Plaster. 目的测定细辛不同药用部位及其制剂中马兜铃酸A的含量。
- OBJECTIVE: To identify medicinal herbs of Herba Asari and compare the components of essential oil which collected from different parts of Herba Asari. 为给细辛类药材的鉴别提供依据,采用薄层层析法比较了细辛类药材挥发油的化学成分。
- RESULT: There is only a little difference on the TLC chromatograms of essential oil between the aerial part and underground part of Herba Asari. 汉城细辛挥发油的薄层层析图谱与北细辛相似,与华细辛区别较大;
- Flos Chrysanthemi indic, Herba taraxaci, Herba asari, Radix zanthoxyli, Radix clematidis, Radix notoginsent, Semen trigonellae, Radix ophiopogonis. 野菊花,天然冰片,蒲公英,细辛,两面针,威灵仙,滇三七,胡芦巴,麦门冬。
- Result: A preferable method for GC fingerprint determination of the chemical constituents in Herba Asari was established. 结果:获得了较为理想的包含特征信息的细辛GC指纹图谱。
- Result shows that Herba asari and Falsehellebore Root and Rhizome cannot aggravate toxicity by death of mouse and effect of SGPT content. 结果表明:小鼠死亡数和对SGPT含量的影响均未发现能增加毒性反应。
- OBJECTIVE: To identify medicinal herbs of He rba Asari and compare the components of essential oil which collected from diffe rent parts of Herba Asari.METHOD: TLC. 为给细辛类药材的鉴别提供依据,采用薄层层析法比较了细辛类药材挥发油的化学成分。
- METHODS: The Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae, Radix Angelicae Pubescentis, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Herba Asari of Tongfeng Huadu Tincture were identified by TLC. 方法:采用薄层色谱法鉴别痛风化毒酊中秦艽、独活、川芎、细辛及制草乌的限量检查;
- As for sachet is the use of Chinese medicine such as Herba asari, Radix Angelicael Dahurical, Radix Seu Rhizoma Nardostachyos, which contain aromatic substances. 。至于衣香荷包,是用中药细辛、白芷、甘松等芳香药物组成,挂于衣襟前、蚊帐上.;。
- AIM: To establish the quality standard for Tongfeng Huadu Tincture (Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae, Radix Angelicae Pubescentis, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Herba Asari, etc.). 目的:建立痛风化毒酊(秦艽、独活、川芎、细辛等)的质量标准。
- This play is the person from Beijing skill this year's key plays, the direction is Japanese Four seasons Theatrical troupe's Chief Art Officer Keita Asari. 该戏是北京人艺今年的重点剧目,导演为日本四季剧团的艺术总监浅利庆太。
- There are over 100 kinds of wild plants such as ginseng,the bulb of fritillary,tuber of elevated gastrodia,herba asari,root of co donopsis pilosula,mountain red stonecuop. 野生植物有山参、天麻、细辛、贝母、党参、高山红景天等100余种。
- RESULT The content of aristolochic acid A in the parts of Herba cum Radice Asari above the ground was higher that in the root part,and aristolochic acid A was not detected in the preparation. 不同药用部位及其制剂定喘穴贴膏中马兜铃酸A的含量。结果细辛地上部分粗粉中马兜铃酸A含量高于细辛根茎粗粉中马兜铃酸A含量,制剂中没有检出马兜铃酸A。
- Studying on Herba asari restrain Falsehellebore Root and Rhizome and recording act or death of animal on the condition physiology, extracting SGPT in the serum and measuring its content. 在生理条件下进行细辛反藜芦的实验,记录动物的自发活动或死亡数。72h后处死,取血清谷丙转氨酶,测定其含量。
- Flos syzygii aromatici and Herba asari are two species of Chinese traditional herbs, the ethanol extracts of these two species herbs showed inhibitory effects against Botrytis cinerea. 经试验证明,2种中草药丁香和细辛的乙醇提取物对番茄灰霉病菌具有较强的室内抑菌活性。