- Hawke Denzel. 主 演:Ethan.
- Barry is the new news hawk at the local newspaper. 巴利是这家地方报纸最新聘任的新闻记者。
- The hawk pounced on its prey and carried it off. 那只鹰向那小动物猛扑过去把它叼走了。
- The hawk snatched the chicken and flew away. 老鹰抓住小鸡飞走了。
- Dennis is a very unreliable worker and needs watching like a hawk. 丹尼斯是一个很不可靠的工人,因而需要密切监视他。
- The hawk descended in a vertical stoop on its quarry. 鹰向它的猎物直冲而下。
- A hawk was hovering over its prey. 一只老鹰在其猎物上空盘旋。
- Denzel: Yeah, no, he was working, all the time. 丹泽: 是严母不是严父,父亲总是工作又工作。
- Denzel and Pauletta are devoted to their family. 丹泽尔和泊拉挞共同携手专心致力于家庭事业。
- The hawk pounced on the chicken. 老鹰突然向小鸡扑去。
- Fortunately for Denzel fans, the show went on! 对丹尼尔的影迷来说,真是幸运,影片得以继续完成拍摄!
- A kite will never be a good hawk. 鸢永不会变成隼。
- The hawk descend in a vertical stoop on its quarry. 鹰向它的猎物直冲而下。
- A hawk is hovering over its prey. 一只鹰正在猎物头顶盘旋。
- Move She watched his every move like a hawk. 她象鹰一样注视着他的每一个动作。
- I don't think it's good to hawk on such a thing. 我认为在这种事情上采取强硬手段没有必要。
- That dog of mine needs watching like a hawk. 要当心我那只狗。
- The Oscar winner, Denzel Washington, stars as Lincoln in this film. 奥斯卡奖得主丹泽尔·华盛顿扮演片中男主角林肯。
- Speaking of hamburgers, I am as hungry as a hawk. 说到汉堡包,我感到饿极了。
- A hawk eats smaller birds and animals. 鹰叼食小鸟和小动物。