- Having no voice; mute. 无声的没有声音的;沉默的
- You have no voice in the matter. 你对此事无发言权。
- We have no voice in the decision. 我们对那项决定没有发言权。
- Curious to relate, the giraffe has no voice. 说来奇怪,长颈鹿不会出声。
- Alice still just types [she has no voice]. 爱丽丝还只是类型[她已没有发言权。
- Those stones along the shore have no voices. 海岸边的那些石头会默默不语。
- I can attend the meetings as an observer but I have no voice in their discussions. 我可以作为一名观察员出庭会议,但我在讨论中没有发言权。
- Dream or reality, he had no voice, nor had he power to stir. 是梦幻还是真实,他既说不出话来,也没有力量移动。
- I can't help you to get the job,as I have no voice in the decision of the manager. 我不能帮你得到这份工作,因为我无权过问经理所决定的事。
- I we can have no voice! Why in this ? Hei hei, busy tasting it - a real treat! . He ... .... 我嘛,没声音了!在干吗呢?嘿嘿,忙着品尝呢--大饱口福呢!哈哈.......
- Those countries with international power weak will have no voice in the international affairs. 那些国际力量薄弱的国家将在国际事务中没有发言权。
- It sounded like the impossible voice of a shriveled dead thing, a mummy or a lich that, by rights, should have no voice at all. 它听起来就像是枯萎的已死物体,比如木乃伊或者巫妖的声音,但事实上,它们是不可能有声音的。
- So the children died because their mothers and their fathers had no power in the market and no voice in the system. 这些孩子之所以会死亡,主要因为他们的父母没有强大的市场力量,甚至没有话语权。
- So the children died because their mothers and their fathers had no power gina he market and no voice in the system. 这些儿童之所以会死亡,是因为他们的父母在经济上没有实力,在政治上没有能力发出声音。
- The parents of the famous opera singer Enrico Caruso wanted him to be an engineer. His teacher said he had no voice at all and could not sing. 著名歌剧演唱家恩里科·卡鲁索的父母本想让他做个工程师。而他的老师则说他五音不全,根本唱不了歌。
- Method 30 patients with small root vocal polyp were divided into 2 groups after operation.One has voice rest, the other has no voice rest. 方法将窄蒂声带小息肉术后病人30例随机分为两组,禁声组和相对不禁声组,相对不禁声指可以适量,舒适发声。
- I have no pretence to be an expert on the subject. 我并不自命是这方面的专家。
- You have no idea how worried I was. 你想像不出来我有多么担心。
- I have no a clue how to compose a Waltz. 创作华尔兹曲我是一窍不通。
- I have no time at all to write to you. 我根本没时间给你写信。