- hatch batten cleat 锁条
- cargo batten cleat 货舱护条夹扣
- hold batten cleat 舱壁护条板夹
- hatch batten clip 舱口楔耳
- Hen's eggs take21 days to hatch out. 鸡蛋需要21天才孵化。
- batten cleat 舱口楔耳,加劲板条
- Both men quickly disappeared down the hatch. 两个人很快从舱口下去不见了。
- There are twelve chickens in this hatch. 这一窝有十二只小鸡。
- I don't know how their plot knows how the new plan will hatch out. 我不知道他们的那个阴谋是怎样搞出来的。
- Be this what you call counting your chicken before they hatch? 这就是所谓蛋未孵出先数鸡(打如意算盘)吗?
- The threat of inflation has made many city institutions batten down hatches and not take risks in the stock market. 通货膨胀的威胁已使城市许多公共机构作好准备,不去股票市场冒险。
- Good health encourages cleat thinking. 良好的健康状况有助于明晰的思想。
- The hilly areas make good sheep pasture; sheep will batten on the lush grass. 这一带山区是很好的牧羊场,羊吃了茂盛的青草会长得肥肥的。
- The sky is very cleat this time of year. 每年这个时候,天都很晴朗。
- You can cleat your head and proceed with your task. 你可以清理头脑并继续做事。
- The eggs hatch at polypod period. 卵在多足期即孵化。
- The capitalists batten on the blood of the workers. 资本家靠榨取工人的血汗养自已。
- These parasites batten on the blood of the people. 这些寄生虫靠人民的血汗养活自已。
- A torrent of salt water cascaded through the hatch. 一股瀑布般的盐水从舱口倒灌下来。
- It takes three weeks to hatch hen's eggs. 鸡蛋孵出鸡需要3周时间。