- There was not much harmony in international affairs during those years. 那些年国际事态不很协调。
- Thus, the key to realizing the harmony in their diversity is that both of them abandon such a struggle through" self-criticism", and benefit human life in different ways according to the supreme principle of" Critical Humanism". 因此,二者间实现和而不同的关键是:依据它们都旨在造福人类这个共同点,通过自我批判放弃对排他性至上地位的争夺,在“批判人本主义”的基础上达成统一。
- The harmony in this composition is very evident. 这部作品中的和声很突出。
- Seek harmony in all that you do. I AM Harmony. 在所有你做的之中寻求和谐,我即是和谐。
- The result obtain differ in different experimental method. 不同的试验方法所得到的结果也不同。
- There has not been much harmony in international affairs in. 近年来国际事物并不和谐。
- I wish that there would be peace and harmony in the world. 我希望世界和谐太平。
- Her artwork is in harmony in the tide of abstractive gesture. 她的绘画已汇入形体抽象艺术的潮流中。
- The core of Pythagoras' aesthetics lies in its harmony in numbers. 毕达哥拉斯学派美学的核心是数的和谐。
- Automobile is fabricated from parts made in different factories. 汽车是从各不同工厂所制的零件装配成的。
- Customs differ in different countries. 各国风俗不同。
- Harmony in Differences 和而不同
- Two clones may develop in different ways. 两个克隆体可能以不同的方式生长。
- I experience clarity and harmony in all my energy exchanges. 每一次的能量交流我都体验清晰与和谐。
- A spice of danger affects people in different ways. 危险的处境对人的影响各不相同。
- Others had examined in different directions. 其他人四面分散进行了搜索。
- The contest will be held in different districts. 竞赛将分区进行。
- Conditions vary somehow in different places. 各地情形大不相同。
- May I see some others in different colors? 我可以看到一些其他的不同的颜色吗?
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。