- Hard words break no bones, fine words butter no parsnips. 粗话无害,甘言无益。
- Hard words break no bones. 恶语伤不到人。
- "Hard words Break no Bones, fine words butter no parsnips" 粗话无害,甘言无益
- "Hard words Break no Bones, fine words butter.no parsnips" 粗话无害,甘言无益
- Hard words break no bones, fine words butter no parsnips 粗话无害, 甘言无益
- Fair words break no bone. 好话不伤人。
- Hards break no bones fine worde buttre no parsnips. 空话不如行动。
- Although badly bruised all over, he had broken no bones. 他虽然浑身青肿,但并未伤筋动骨。
- Although badly bruised on both face and body, he had broken no bones. 脸上身上虽见伤痕, 并未伤筋动骨。
- The bed being soft, it broke no bones, but as the weight was great, and made greater by the fall, it beat me down. 那垫子是软的,当然没有把我的骨头折断;但是那重量可也不轻,从上面扔下来又来势很猛,因此把我打倒在地。
- That young man flung out hard words against me. 那位青年对我粗言秽语。
- That night he and I had hard words,and parted. 那天晚上,我跟他吵得很凶,后来便分手了。
- She made no bones about telling me the truth. 她毫不顾虑地把真情告诉我。
- Don't utter hard words even if you feel angry. 即使是生气也不要骂人。
- Word break: splitting of a word at a line ending. 分字:英文字在一行结尾时;需要分割开的情况.
- We dismissed him and made no bones about it. 我们毫不犹豫地把他解雇了。
- He and I had once hard words,and parted. 他和我曾经吵过一架,以后我们就不来往了。
- He made no bones about his extreme left-wing views. 他毫不隐讳自己极左的观点。
- They were hard words, but they struck home. 那些话很严厉,但是击中了要害。
- I made no bones about telling her the truth. 我毫无顾忌地把真相告诉了她。