- Hansen Medal Award Committee 汉森纪念章委员会
- Working now in b&w, Anderson was honored with the Robert Capa Gold Medal Award. 工作现在黑白,安德森很荣幸与罗伯特卡帕金质奖章奖。
- Los Angels world competition, TERRE di ORAZIO, gains a bronze medal award. 2005年在美国洛杉矶的国际葡萄酒大赛中,大诗人奥拉兹欧家乡干红葡萄酒荣获铜奖。
- President Ronald LU presented the Student Medal Award 2007 to the HKU recipient Miss Xing Jing. 吕元祥会长颁赠2007年度杰出学生奖予香港大学得主谢菁小姐.
- President Ronald LU presented the Student Medal Award 2007 to the CUHK recipient Miss Wong Hon Yin Iris. 吕元祥会长颁赠2007年度杰出学生奖予香港中文大学得主黄凯妍小姐.
- It also partnered the Hong Kong Award for Young People in holding the Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal Award with safety and health as one of the prerequisites. 此外,该局又与香港青年奖励计划合作,设立以安全健康为得奖先决条件的金、银和铜章奖项。
- We acknowledge the receipt of your Form E-SE and will bring it together with any supporting documents to the attention of the appropriate Award Committee. 本处已收到你的E-SE表格,并会将有关资料连同所提交的证明文件呈交有关科目的成绩评核委员会考虑。
- Kweichow Moutai won the gold medal award in the Panama Expo in 1915, and was crowned as the first-class wine in the world. 1915年巴拿马博览会,茅台酒荣获国际金奖,尊为世界名酒。
- It also partnered the Hong Kong Award for Young People in holding the Gold,Silver and Bronze Medal Award with safety and health as one of the prerequisites. 此外,该局又与香港青年奖励计划合作,设立以安全健康为得奖先决条件的金、银和铜章奖项。
- Min-hwa wrote a letter to ask the authorities if someone else could accept the blood donation medal award on your behalf. He gave a reply saying that he could fetch it for you. It will be sent to you when it is received. 前信说的输血奖章,敏华日前寄一信问当局,是否可以代表往取,他已有回信,说至时可由敏华代表往领,要是领到了,可以替你寄去。
- The main medias of Guangzhou had reported the great success of the ceremony for "Fund of GDCC" medal award of GDCCP, which were held at the Xinghai Odeum of Guangzhou on 14th December, 2001. (四)我会于2001年12月14日晚在广州星海音乐厅举行:“广东中华文化基金”2001年度南粤优秀教师、优秀少先队辅导员表彰活动,广东各主要报刊及广东电视台、广州电视台均作了详细报道。
- Doolittle accepted the Congress supreme Medal awarded by President Roosevelt in the White House. 杜立特在白宫接受罗斯福总统颁发的国会最高勋章。
- When were gold, silver and bronze medals awarded? 何时用金银铜牌颁奖?
- Should entries not meet an acceptable standard in a particular category the GDAA Awards Committee reserves the right not to select a finalist and/or winner. 应参赛作品不符合可接受的标准,在某一特定类别gdaa奖委员会保留权利,不选择一个进入决赛的和/或赢家。
- In 2005, Professor Rolston was recipient of the Villanova University's Mendel Medal awarded to outstanding scientists. 随后由副校长(研究及拓展)蔡亚从教授,以及香港大学廖秀冬博士和香港公开大学何建宗教授作回应。
- Cameroun Development Assisted Project-Contract Award Committee 喀麦隆发展协助计划-合同分配委员会
- The first 270,000 dwt ocean ship built of such flat steel by Shanghai Jiangnan Shipyard in 1983 won the gold medal awarded by the State for oceangoing vessels built for export. 1983年以来上海江南造船厂用本产品建造的2.;7万吨第一艘出中轮获国家出口轮金奖。
- A committee was set up to look into the workers' grievances. 成立了一个委员会来调查工人的不满。
- The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an award. 奥林匹克的优胜者获得一枚金质奖章作为奖赏。
- Each entrant agrees to be bound by the provisions of this announcement, by the regulations of his/ her licensing authority and by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee, acting for the IARU International Secretariat. 参赛者必须同意遵守前述的比赛规则、己执照所规範的事项、ARRL奖状委员会因应IARU国际秘书处的要求所做的决定。