- The Chinese Silk Road was constructed under the western Han Emperor Wudi. 中国的丝绸之路是汉武帝在位时开辟的。
- Han Emperor Wudi's Coronation at Mount. Tai--the Orthodox Ceremony of Confucianism 汉武封禅:儒学正统化大典
- Han Emperor Wudi 汉武帝
- The Western Han Dynasty (206B.C.-a.D.23.) was very powerful during Emperor Wudi's reign. 汉武帝时,西汉国势已经非常强盛。
- By the end of the reign of Emperor Wudi, the Han Dynasty had not intermarried with the Huns for 80 years. 从此,西汉与匈奴80年没和亲。
- Later ,Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty appointed YiZong the prefect of the Dingxiang Prefecture . 汉武帝时,有一个人名叫义纵,因为受到太后的恩宠,做了上党郡某县令。
- He asked him to go back to the Han Emperor help. 他要求汉宣帝帮助他回去。
- In the Western Han Dynasty, especially under Emperor Wudi, a series of large - scale water conservancy works were built. 西汉一代,特别是汉武帝在位时期,曾兴建了一系列较大规模的水利工程。
- In the Emperor Wudi period of the Han Dynasty, the state of disruption turned into unity.Emperor Wudi’s Economic Policies were just the result of it. 在汉武帝统治时期,专制主义中央集权得到空前巩固,而其经济政策正是这种政治大一统和皇权高度强化的产物。
- According to historical documents, the First Emperor of Qin in 215 B. C. and Emperor Wudi of Han in 110 B. C. had respectively visited Jieshi Hill for a good view of the sea. 史载,公元前215年(秦始皇三十二年)和公元前110年(汉元封元年),秦始皇、汉武帝先后登临碣石山观海;
- The despots' crime of having too many farmhouses in the period of Emperor Wudi was not the system of Ming-tian-zhai at the beginning of the Han Dynasty. 武帝朝所纠劾地方豪右的“田宅逾制”,是武帝本朝的限田之制,不是汉初的“名田宅制”。
- Of course, Emperor Wudi could see that Ji An was complaining. 汉武帝当然听得出这是发牢骚。
- To commemorate the strategical location of Tianshui in the war against the Xiongnu and its contribution to the opening of the Silk Road,the Emperor Wudi of Han Dynasty gave the name "Tianshui" in the year 114BC. 天水得名,是汉武帝为纪念天水之地在开启丝绸之路和对于匈奴的战争中所处的战略地位而于元鼎三年(公元前114年)所置。
- In the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD), Emperor Wudi Liu Xiu once ordered Dong Xuan, a county magistrate of Luoyang, to kowtow to his sister and apologize for some alleged wrong he had committed. 东汉时,汉光武帝刘秀姐姐的家奴杀了人,洛阳县令董宣依法处死了凶手。刘秀偏信姐姐的一面之词,下令把董宣处死。
- Ming upstairs tombstone, with Manchu, Mongolian, Han Emperor Temple name engraved text. 明楼上有墓碑,用满、蒙、汉文字刻着皇帝的庙号。
- In 119 BC, Emperor Wudi sent Zhang Qian on a second diplomatic mission to the Western Regions. 公元前119年,汉武帝再次派张骞出使西域,这次随行的有300多人,带去了上万头牛羊和货物。
- After returning, Emperor Wudi said to the people around him that Ji An was a little too rude and too straightforward. 武帝回到宫里以后,对身边的人说,汲黯这个人也未免太粗太直了。
- Later, Emperor Wudi went even further, depriving many nobles of their titles, and strengthening central rule. 这样,经过长期斗争,王国对中央的威胁终于解除了,中央集权制度得到加强。
- Huhanxie minister and discuss the results with the determination of the Han dynasty, and, personally took down an audience with the Ministry of the Han Emperor. 呼韩邪和大臣商量结果,决心跟汉朝和好,亲自带着部下来朝见汉宣帝。
- So Emperor Wudi made up his mind, and appointed Du Yu the Grand General for Conquering the south . 杜预认为,必须趁目前昊国衰弱,忙灭掉它,不然等它有了实力就很难打败它了。