- Halina Konopacka 科诺帕茨卡
- Halina searched the classifieds for dance classes. 海莲娜从分类广告中寻找舞蹈课程。
- Halina: She's a lawyer, she likes order. 海莲娜: 她是律师,她喜欢秩序。
- He had even lusted for Halina, already woven a net in readiness to ensnare her. 他甚至贪恋海莉娜,已经编织了一个罗网,在引诱她落进去。
- During the PFF Halina has been accessorized by Behind the Monkey in Highgate and dressed by Fi &Co in Northbridge. 在珀斯服装节上,海林纳德福是由北桥区菲合伙公司加工由高门区的“猴后”珠宝公司提供。
- NOTE Halina is a member of the Wine Press Club and together with other wine writers in the Club participated in the voting of the winner which was conducted by secret ballot. 注:海林娜是葡萄酒新闻俱乐部成员,与该俱乐部的其他成员一道通过无记名投票选出获奖者。
- halina send email and told me that "I have been recommend.... " 如果都通知邮寄出去的话,不是在玩我吗?请各位指教?
- He had even lusted for Halina, already woven a net in readiness to ensnare her 他甚至贪恋海莉娜,已经编织了一个罗网,在引诱她落进去。
- Konopacka 科诺帕茨卡
- Halina 海立拿呢