- Halichondria rugosa 皱皮软海绵
- Biological characteristics of Rosa Rugosa Thunb. 珲春野玫瑰的生物学特性。
- Rosa rugosa, Rugosa Rose, Ramanas Rose... “玫,石之美者,瑰,珠圆好者”。
- Endogenous hormones IAA, ZR, GA3 and ABA in methanol extract of Rosa rugosa C. 摘要对平阴玫瑰花芽分化期叶片甲醇提取物进行IAA、ZR、GA3、ABA的分离、纯化和测定。
- The little creature that perches on Yoda's finger on Rugosa is a baby neebray. 鲁戈萨星上,栖息于尤达手指上的那个小生物,是一个尼布雷幼鸟。
- The agastache rugosa with abundant nutrition and special fragrance has great value in medicine、eating、spile etc. 藿香营养丰富,香气独特,兼具药用、食用、香料等多方面应用价值。
- Candida rugosa lipase can be used to enrich the isomer of c9,t11-CLA by a two-step selective esterification. 利用假丝酵母脂肪酶两步选择性酯化可以提高c9,t11-共轭亚油酸异构体的含量。
- Aboard the Thief's Eye, with minimal retinue, Katuunko arrived on the coral moon of Rugosa to await his Jedi diplomat. 乘坐“贼之眼”号,卡图恩克带领极少的扈从抵达了珊瑚卫星鲁戈萨,等待着他的绝地外交官。
- Palpatine agreed, and the two selected a neutral moon, Rugosa, to be the site of a diplomatic rendezvous. 帕尔帕丁同意了,两人就选定了中立卫星鲁戈萨作为外交会晤的场所。
- Alongside his troops, Jek and Rys, he was assigned to escort Jedi Master Yoda to a diplomatic mission to Rugosa. 他和手下杰克和里斯一起,被分配去护送绝地大师尤达前往鲁戈萨执行一个外交任务。
- Yoda survived the attack, reaching Rugosa's surface via escape pod along with a trio of clone troopers. 尤达得以幸存,他和三名克隆人士兵一起乘着逃生舱来到了鲁戈萨的表面。
- Rose (Rosa rugosa Thunb.) is an important ornamental, but the fast propagation system hasn't been set up yet. 摘要玫瑰是一种重要的观赏植物,经济价值高,但玫瑰快繁体系尚未建立。
- Abstract: Candida rugosa lipase was immobilized onto magnetic nanoparticles by covalent attachment. 文章快照: 海藻糖,一种天然存在的非还原性二糖,对生物材料的活性保存起着重要作用。
- This research aimed to study the genetic correlation and path analysis of 15 kinds of Rosa rugosa yield traits. 摘要对15个玫瑰品种进行了产量性状的遗传相关和通径分析。
- A high performance liquid chromatographic method, "hydrophobic interfacial affinity chromatography", to separate commercial Candida rugosa lipase has been established. 建立一种“疏水界面亲和色谱”分离柱状假丝酵母脂肪酶同工酶的高效液相色谱新方法。
- Results The two isolates of Candida rugosa were evaluated as Candida tropicalis by CHROM Candida medium and API 20C AUX. 但是 ,通过CHROM显色培养基及API 2 0CAUX系统进行表型分析 ,却均与热带念珠菌表型完全一致。
- Affinity relationship of 5 species was analysed preliminarily to show that R bella was the one most similar to R rugosa among these 5 species. 同时,分析了5个种之间的亲缘关系,发现其中的美蔷薇与玫瑰花最为接近。
- Rys got a taste of action when he was assigned to escort Jedi Master Yoda on a diplomatic mission to the coral moon of Rugosa. 里斯后来被分配去护送绝地大师尤达前往珊瑚卫星鲁戈萨执行一个外交任务,这次他终于过了一把战斗瘾。
- Jek and his fellow trooper Rys were assigned to escort Jedi Master Yoda to a diplomatic mission to Rugosa, under the command of Lieutenant Thire. 杰克和他的战友里斯被分配去护送绝地大师尤达前往鲁戈萨执行一个外交任务,他们的上司是塞尔中尉。
- Rugosa was once an ocean covered world whose waters have vanished, exposing vast expanses of coral forests and reef canyons. 鲁戈萨曾是一个被海洋覆盖的星球。海水干了以后,星球表面暴露出大量珊瑚林和珊瑚礁峡谷。