- Half of safes are unsafe 过半保险箱不保险
- The auto- maker recalls a lot of cars that are unsafe. 汽车制造商召回许多不安全的车辆。
- Half of our products are for export. 我们有一半产品出口。
- I've been diddled! Half of these tomatoes are bad! 我上当了! 这些番茄一半是坏的!
- Most of the contents of the safe are jewellery. 保险箱里的大多数东西是珠宝。
- The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. 安全驾驶之规则适用于每个人。
- A British coin worth one half of a new penny. 半便士一种英国硬币,币值是新版便士的一半
- The streets at night are unsafe. 夜间的街道是不安全的。
- Business was slow in the first half of this year. 今年上半年生意清淡。
- Quick decisions are unsafe decisions -- Sophacles. 草率的决定是危险的决定。
- The boss sacked half of his employees at a sweep. 老板一下子裁去了半数雇员。
- I consider this place to be unsafe at any speed. 我认为这个地方无论如何不太安全。
- The professor failed almost half of the class. 该教授给班上几乎一半人评了不及格。
- Your tires are unsafe as are abraded to flat. 你的轮胎磨平了,不安全。
- Half of his land is covered with timber. 他的地有一半长着树木。
- The resort hsa miles of safe sandy beach. 该胜地有几英里长的优质沙滩。
- More than half of the members aligned with the chairman. 半数以上的成员支持主席的观点。
- The auto-makers recalled a lot of cars that were unsafe. 汽车制造商召回许多不安全的车辆。
- Pain affecting one half of the body. 偏侧痛影响身体某个半边的疼痛
- Design of Safe Pasteurization Conditions. 安全巴氏杀菌条件的设计。