- USMC Marines with Haitian National Police, who translate and enforce Haitian laws, conduct raids to find weapons and other violations of the law. 图像标题 A member of the Haitian National Police Special Weapons And Tactics (HNP SWAT) team; armed with a 5.
- Haitian National Police 海地国家警察
- Source for all statistical data on this page: National Police Agency. 本页统计数据均来自警察厅。
- National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan. Information fo foreigners. 台湾内政部警政署,外国人在台生活资谘服务网。
- Both the prime minister's office and the National Police Agency have established crisis centers to gather information and coordinate relief efforts. 日本首相府和警察厅成立了紧急中心,搜集有关情况,协调救灾努力。
- The student also submits a Police Clearance Certificate issued by the National Police Authorities of his country of origin or residence. 留学生也应递交其国家的居住地的警察当局发的无犯罪纪录的证明文件。
- Judges are ruling more equitably, advocates say, and the national police have created a special unit to focus on family issues. 法官对虐待妇女案件越来越公正了。阿富汗专门成立了一个特殊警察队,主要关注家庭问题。
- The spokesman said that the National Police in Japan arrested 20 people, including a man aged 29 years old, who lives in Shizuoka Prefecture. 这名发言人说,警方在日本全国逮捕了20人,其中一名男子现年29岁,家住静冈县。
- The first was the impromptu execution of a person suspected of being a Vietcong by the chief of the South Vietnamese National Police, General Loan. 第一起事件是南越国家警察局局长楼将军当场处决一名被怀疑为越共的人。楼在光天化日的西贡大街上朝那人头部开枪。
- It must be an unofficial national record," Saulius Skvernelis, director of the national police traffic control service, told the AP. 立陶宛全国警察交通控制服务系统的负责人萨乌留斯?斯克维尔内利斯说:“这家伙按理说已经处于濒临死亡的状态,但他却依然能开车上路。
- President Bush said the Iraqi government will deploy Iraqi army and national police across Bagdad to support local police. 不是总统说,伊拉克政府计划在巴格达驻扎伊拉克军队和国家警察用以支援当地警察。
- The Philippines national police directorate said it had tightened security around the Chinese embassy and consulates after a request from China's defence attache in Manila. 菲律宾国家警察署长表示,已经加强中国大使馆及领事馆周边的戒备,以回应在马尼拉中国防务官员的要求。
- Reported that in 2004, the French Ministry of the Interior has been approved by the French National Police and the French military police force equipped with Taser. 报道称,在2004年,法国内政部就已经批准法国国家警察和法国宪兵部队装备泰瑟枪。
- A police officer from the Afghan National Police stands guard at a police station in the town of Deleram in Afghanistan's Farah province Wednesday, June 10, 2009. 来自阿富汗国家警察的警官站在一中的Deleram在阿富汗法拉省城镇星期三,2009年6月10日警察局仪仗队。
- Shizuka Kamei,a former chief in the National Police Agency and now a member of the Diet(parliament), describes Japan's high conviction rate as “abnormal”. 亀井静香,前警察厅长官,而今是国会议员,他形容日本的高认罪率“不正常”。
- Thai authorities had warned they might deport foreign activists coming to Bangkok to disrupt the torch relay, said Lt.Gen.Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit, the national police spokesman. 在上周四,火炬传递的前一站新德里,印度采取了非同寻常的安全措施,阻止了数以千计的反中国示威者,并缩短了火炬传递。
- The annual per capita incidence of murder,rape,arson and assault in Japan increased by 11 percent in l999,and has rocketed by 50 percent in the last decade,according to National Police Agency statistics. 日本警察厅的统计数据显示,1999年,日本的凶杀、强奸、纵火和暴力伤害案比前一年增长11%25。在过年的10年中,日本的犯罪率猛增了50%25。
- A report issued by the National Police Agency Thursday said here had been a huge increase in the number of thieves using large mechanical diggers to remove automated teller machines (ATMs) from bank lobbies. 日本警察厅周四发布的一份报告显示,现在已有越来越多的强盗使用大型挖掘机将银行大堂里的自动取款柜员机(ATM)整个儿搬走。
- Mr Wang, I'd like you to meet my brother, Haitian. 王先生,我想请你见见我弟弟,海天。
- Our newspaper is a national newspaper. 我们的报纸是全国性的报纸。