- The Haihe River must be brought under permanent control! 一定要根治海河!
- Department ofgu an xian Haihe River alluvial plain of the Yongding River. 固安县系海河水系的永定河冲积平原。
- The proportion of actual EWR of the Haihe River during 1999-2002 revealed that the EWU has not been satisfied. 然后计算了1999-2002年海河实际生态用水比例,表明生态用水一直没有得到满足。
- The index system was applied on the evaluation of the main estuarine ecosystem restoration in Haihe River basin. 指标体系在海河流域主要河口生态恢复评价中得到应用。
- Shijiazhuang municipal area belong to the Haihe River basin and the Great River water system Ziya River system. 石家庄市辖区内河流分属海河流域大清河水系和子牙河水系。
- Dongying in Shandong Machinery is the Haihe River in Shandong foundry industry in one of the largest enterprises. 山东东营海河机械是山东铸造行业中最具规模的企业之一。
- Xingtai City belong to the Haihe River Basin Heilonggang Ziya River and two major river systems. 邢台市河流属于海河流域子牙河和黑龙港两大水系。
- In order that ZHANGYUNTING could be found in future, his comrade-in-arms buried him on the bank of HAIHE river and made a gravestone and inscription to show their grief . 为了日后能找到张云亭,战友们将他埋葬在海河岸边,并立碑铭志,寄托哀思。
- NP and OP concentrations in Haihe River were 160~429ng/L and 18~56ng/L respectively, and in Bohai Bay were 33~132ng/L and n. 结果表明;海河中NP和OP的浓度分别为160~429ng/L和18~56ng/L; 渤海湾中NP和OP的浓度分别为33~132ng/L和n.
- The water - deficit region in the lower plain of Haihe river basin is located at the east of the Fuyang river.It occupies 12000 km2. 海河流域低平原缺水盐渍区包括石德线以北、滏阳河以东1.;2万平方公里;该区水资源缺乏;土壤盐碱;农业生产力低。
- The Hutuo River is a major branch of the Ziya River, which pours into the Haihe River as one of the five major branches. 滹沱河是海河子牙河系最主要的支流。明清时期,滹沱河平原段善淤、善决、善徙,被称为“决不可以人力治者”。
- Wang Yuwei.Water environment in Haihe River basin:main problems and countermeasures[J].Haihe Water Resources,1997, 2:21-23. [3]王裕玮.;海河流域水环境的主要问题及对策[J]
- The result showed that the pollution of the waterbody exerted agreat disadvantageous effect to the Haihe River ecosystem. 结果表明,水体污染已经对海河水生生态系统产生了明显的有害影响。
- In the Bohai Bay, NP and OP concentrations were far lower than those in Haihe River; but the dilution of sea water was not the only cause of its concentration lowering. 渤海湾中NP和OP的浓度要远远低于海河;但是海水稀释不是造成其浓度降低的唯一原因.
- Tianjin lies in downstream of Haihe river valley,75 percent quality of water ofwhole valley afflux into Bohai ocean by Tianjin,and water is especial relation toTianjin. 天津市地处海河流域的尾闾,特殊的地理位置和自然条件,决定了天津市与水休戚相关,流域75%25以上的暴雨洪水均需经天津市泄入渤海。
- Paulownia but not too cold, generally located in the Haihe River valley south and the Yellow River Basin, along the Yellow River is the best precautions sand species. 但泡桐不太耐寒,一般只分布在海河流域南部和黄河流域,是黄河故道上防风固沙的最好树种。
- Relying on the best restaurants and the Riverboat geographical advantages and fresh varieties of the Haihe River, a distinguished band” natural, delicious and healthy” life. 并且酒楼依托绝佳的水乡地理地势,海河鲜品种丰富,让尊贵的您尽享“天然、美味、健康”的人生。
- In order to found ZHANGYUNTING in future easily, his comrade-in-arms buried him on the bank of HAIHE river and made a gravestone and inscription to show their grief. 为了日后能找到张云亭,战友们将他埋葬在海河岸边,并立碑铭志,寄托哀思。
- Cooperation with the upper reaches area shall be strengthen in the process of Haihe River Basin pollution control to safeguard the quantity and quality of the water from upper reaches of Miyun and Guanting reservoirs. 加强与上游地区的协作,共同实现海河流域水污染防治目标,保证密云、官厅水库上游来水的水质、水量。
- From the middle of the Ming, as the constrution, making charcoal, smelting, destruction of wars and opening up wasteland by destroying to forest, a heavy destruction was encountered by the forest reserve of the mountain area of the Haihe River valley. 明中叶以后,北京城的营建、烧炭、冶炼、战争破坏、滥建寺庙塔观及毁林开荒等,致使这里的森林资源遭到毁灭性破坏。