- Haemophilus segnis 惰性嗜血菌
- Leptopsylla segnis was found for first time in the Taichung area. 结论:鼠蚤及盲蚤为台中地区首次发现。
- "Anche questo potrebbe essere un segno del destino". 这也是个幸运的迹象。
- Ed altri, per metterlo alla prova, chiedevano da lui un segno dal cielo. 又有人试探他,向他求一个从天上来的神迹。
- I Giudei allora presero a dirgli: Qual segno ci mostri tu che fai queste cose? 犹太人就问他:“你可以显什么神迹给我们看,证明你有权作这些事呢?”
- Leptopsylla segnis is hematophgous when it stings human with the bloodsucking rate 16.25%. 该蚤能吸人血;吸血率为16.;25%25。
- Effect Evaluation of Chocolate Medium Made of Three Kinds of Animal Blood Using for Isolate Haemophilus Influenzae. 三种动物血巧克力平板分离流感嗜血杆菌效果评价。
- Objective To evaluate isolating efficacy of an improved chocolated Columbia Agar (ICCA) for Haemophilus influenzae. 目的评价自制改良哥伦比亚巧克力培养基(ICCA)对流感嗜血杆菌(Hin)的分离培养效果。
- HIB Hib, or Haemophilus I influenzae type B b, requires intensive treatment with antibiotics. Hib或称为B型嗜血杆菌流感需要集中的抗生素治疗。
- This paper reports the observation on some biological characters of Xenopsylla cheopis and Leptopsylla segnis in laboratory. 1. 文报道了印鼠客蚤、缓慢细蚤某些生物学特性的实验室观察。
- Examples are DSSP,STRIDE, DEFINE, P-SEA, KAKSI,P-CURVE, XTLSSTR, SECSTR, SEGNO, and VoTAP. 大量期刊杂志使他们不可能仔细阅读每一篇论文。
- Purpose: To report a case of Haemophilus influenzae-associated scleritis after pterygium excision. 摘要目的:报告一个在翼状赘片切除术后因嗜血性流感菌引起之巩膜炎。
- Or Stefano, pieno di grazia e di potenza, faceva gran prodigi e segni fra il popolo. 司提反被捕司提反满有恩惠能力,在民间施行大奇事和神迹。
- Objective To establish a simple and effective method for isolation of Haemophilus species. 目的建立一种简便、有效的分离嗜血杆菌的方法。
- Esse saranno per te e per la tua progenie come un segno e come un prodigio, in perpetuo. 这些咒诅必在你和你的后裔身上成为异迹和奇事,直到永远。
- Conclusions: Haemophilus influenzae is a relatively rare pathogen in infectious scleritis after pterygium excision. 结论:在翼状赘片切除术后发生的感染性巩膜炎,嗜血性流感菌是一罕见的致病菌。
- HIB or Haemophilus influenzae type B requires intensive treatments with anti-biotics. Hib,即b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌需要使用抗生素进行强化治疗。
- Uncopulate females of Xenopsylla cheopis and Leptopsylla segnis might oviposit a few nonfertilized eggs after first blood-sucking, but these eggs cannot hatch. 刚羽化出来未经交配的两种雌蚤吸血后可产下少数孵不出幼虫的卵,雌蚤一经交配可促使产卵量增加,当雄蚤比例多于雌蚤时亦可促使产卵量增加。
- These bacteria are mainly Fusobacterium, Haemophilus, Streptococcus and韦荣Treponema teeth, such as dirt. 这些细菌主要是梭杆菌、嗜血杆菌、韦荣球菌和齿垢密螺旋体等。
- During its whole life,the average oviposition rate of a female is 116.8. Leptopsylla segnis is hematophgous when it stings human with the bloodsucking rate 16.25%. 每只雌蚤终身产卵平均为116.;8只。 该蚤能吸人血;吸血率为16