- Had his back toward me. 把他的背对着我
- He stood with his back towards me. 他背对着我站着。
- He had ad his back toward me. 他把背对着我。
- "Now he has his back towards me." I thought, "Perhaps if I walk softly, I can slip away unnoticed. “现在,他背对着我,”我想,“要是我脚步儿轻些,我可以人不知鬼不觉地溜走。
- She sat with her back toward me. 她背向我而坐。
- He stood by the fire, his back towards me, just finishing a stormy scene with poor Zillah; who ever and anon interrupted her labour to pluck up the corner of her apron, and heave an indignant groan. 他发现了,用他的铁铲头戳开一扇里门,口齿不清的说,如果我要换个地方的话,那才是我该去的地方。
- He stood by the fire, his back towards me,finishing a stormy scene with poor Zillah;who everanon interrupted her labour to pluck up the corner of her apron,heave an indignant groan. 他站在火旁,背对着我,刚刚对可怜的齐拉猛发了一通火,她被打断了手上的活,扯着围裙的一角,委屈的呜咽着。
- He stood by the fire, his back towards me, just finishing a stormy scene with poor Zillah;who ever and anon interrupted her labour to pluck up the corner of her apron, and heave an indignant groan. 他站在火旁,背对着我,刚刚对可怜的齐拉猛发了一通火,她被打断了手上的活,扯着围裙的一角,委屈的呜咽着。
- When he had his back to the wall, someone stabbed him in the back. 当他处于绝境中时,有人出卖了他。
- My wife goes angry and turns her back towards me. 我太太发火了,转过身去,背朝着我。
- He was sitting with his back toward the stern, looking glum and holding his left hand in his right. 他背朝船尾坐着,右手托着左手,闷闷不乐。
- The larger of them, who was about ten feet high and bulging with muscle and bone, had his back to Johnny. 他们当中那位身材较高的人约有十英尺,肌肉发达,骨骼粗大,背对约翰尼。
- In rowing, the rower sits against the direction of the boat, that is with his back toward the finishing line, while the canoeist or the kayaker faces the finishing line. 赛艇运动员会的方向与行进的方向是相反的,也就是说赛艇运动员背对着终点,而皮划艇运动员是面向终点的。
- Tomlinson had his hands in his pockets and his back to the officer when he was attacked. 汤姆林森受到攻击的时候双手插在口袋中背对警察。
- In rowing,the rower sits against the direction of the boat,that is with his back toward the finishing line,while the canoeist or the kayaker faces the finishing line. 赛艇运动员会的方向与行进的方向是相反的,也就是说赛艇运动员背对着终点,而皮划艇运动员是面向终点的。
- He certainly has his back to the wall for he has lost his job. 无疑他的情况不妙,因为他失业了。
- As the parachutist nears the ground he is directed by Japanese instructions to have his back upwind. 当伞兵接近地面时,根据教范,他们应当自己调整为逆风下降。
- Peter was sitting near the fire, his back towards the door. 彼得坐在炉火旁,背朝着门。
- The poor old thing always seems to have his back against a wall.So we will be very careful, dear Armand, because he'll have me watched there. 这个可怜的老头儿经常听到有人说闲话,所以我们要多加小心,我亲爱的阿尔芒。
- He had his back to her now, bending forward to measure the gin, putting his face right up close to the measurer and peering into it as though it were a patient's mouth. 现在,丈夫背对着她,躬下身倒杜松子酒。他把脸贴近容器好象是在窥视一个病人的口腔一样。