- Habits inimical to good health. 不利于健康的习惯
- Regulating your habits is conducive to good health. 使生活习惯规律化有益于健康。
- Moderate exercise is fundamental to good health. 适度的运动封健康是绝对必要的。
- Exercise is a doorway to good health. 锻炼乃通向健康之门。
- A good diet conduces to good health. 良好的饮食有益於健康。
- Physical training conduces to good health. 体育训练有助于身心健康。
- Physical exercises conduces to good health. 体育锻炼有助于身心健康。
- Plenty of exercise is conducive to good health. 多进行体育锻炼,对健康大有好处。
- Diet and exercise are the key (to good health). 吃固定食物、 做运动是(身体健康的)关键.
- The patient bounced back to good health. 病人很快痊愈了
- Exercise is conducive to good health. 运动有助於健康。
- Conducive to good health;salutary. 有助于健康的;有益健康的
- Exercise conduces to good health. 运动有益健康。
- Clean air is important to good health. 新鲜的空气对健康是重要的。
- Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health. 充足新鲜的空气有助于健康。
- Fresh air is fundamental to good health. 空气新鲜是身体健康之必需。
- Moderation is the key to good health. 有节制的生活是健康的关键。
- Conducive to good health; salutary. 有助于健康的;有益健康的
- Physical exercise conduces to good health. 体育锻炼能增进健康。
- Wishing you a quick return to good health. 愿你尽快恢复健康!