- Specifically, the main products include HP, Epson, Canon, Samsung, Kyocera, Brother, and Star compatible printer consumables. 同时所有的产品都必须严格测试,清晰,亮丽的印刷质量之前,包装和品质,是以前认为的后续企业。
- If you have an HP PCL compatible printer that is not listed in the Printer Model pop-up menu, choose the printer model that most closely matches your printer. 如果您的打印机与HP PCL兼容,但“打印机型号”弹出式菜单中没有列出,请选取与您的打印机最接近的打印机型号。
- EPS graphics are meant to be printed to PostScript compatible printers. EPS图形需要使用PostScript兼容打印机打印。
- This printer is compatible with most microcomputers. 这台打印机是与大多数微型电子计算机兼容的。
- HP inkjet printer resetter can reset only for our compatible chips or other compatible chips in the market.It can not reset the original chips. HP芯片恢复器只能恢复我公司的兼容芯片或者市场上的其它兼容芯片,但不能恢复原装芯片。
- The printer can set this additional page in here. 这位印刷工把这额外的一页加在这里。
- This computer isn't compatible with that printer. 这台计算机与那台打印机并不兼容。
- In a printer, the removable type element. 印刷机上可拆卸的打印部件。
- He moved to Leeds and set up as a printer. 他搬到利兹干起了印刷业。
- A term sometimes applied to a stylus in a thermal matrix printer. 有时用来指热敏点阵打印机的触针的一个术语。
- Not compatible or sympathetic, as in character. 志趣不同的指性格上不宽容,无同情心的
- Do you still have openings for printer? 你们还有印刷工的空缺吗?
- A pin in the print head of a computer printer. 撞针计算机打印机的印刷头上的撞针
- This printer can print 40 pages in a minute. 这台打印机一分钟能打印40页。
- Do you have enough money to buy a new printer? 你有足够的钱买一台新的打印机吗?
- Accuracy is not always compatible with haste. 忙中难免出错。
- A case in point would be, Carly Fiorina, CEO of HP. 惠普公司原CEO卡莉-菲奥莉娜就是一个很好的例子。
- Lets say a car needs 18 HP to maintain 60 MPH. 让说一辆小汽车需要18惠普保持60英里/小时。
- The meters show your HP, MP, and "AP". 在四处奔走的时候,你将随机遇敌,进行战斗。
- You may use an online printer to print out the data. 你可以使用联机打印机把数据打印出来。