- HP Classic of New Orleans 惠普新奥尔良精英赛
- It is the port city of New Orleans, Louisiana. 路易斯安娜州的海港城市??新奥尔良。
- The city of New Orleans has so much to offer. 纽奥良大有看头。
- The tenuous position of New Orleans is no secret. 新奥尔良的特殊地理位置并不是秘密。
- A: US Mayor Nagin of New Orleans arrived at Shanghai for a visit. 答:美国新奥尔良市市长纳金先生日前抵达中国上海进行访问。
- Many of these boats carried dance bands made up of New Orleans musicians. 河上许多船只都载有新奥尔良乐师组成的舞蹈伴奏乐队。
- The fortunes of New Orleans have always depended on its riparian location. 纽奥良的财富一直与其河岸的位置息息相关。
- The young colored population of New Orleans were much given to flirting. 新奥尔良的年轻的黑人居民很喜欢卖弄风情。
- Speeches on reconstruction of New Orleans and sourcing in China, given by New. 新奥尔良市的政府官员对新奥尔良重建与中国采购的演讲。
- Taught at Beijing Foreign Studies University and University of New Orleans. 曾任教于北京外国语大学、美国路易斯安纳州新奥尔良大学。
- Many of the people trapped by the floodwaters of New Orleans were black. 被困在新奥尔良洪水当中的许多人是黑人。
- One Elderhostel program takes place in the famous southern American city of New Orleans, Louisiana. 有一个老龄招待所活动在美国著名的南部城市??路易斯安那州的新奥尔良市举行。
- The Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (at right) merges with the Gulf Intra coastal Water way just east of New Orleans. 密西西比河的河湾出口(在晚上)与新奥尔良东面的河湾节点沿岸水路汇合。
- World Series isthe fall classic of baseball. 世界冠军赛是棒球界秋季最重要的竞赛。
- The once jazzy and vibrant streets of New Orleans have new sounds: the buzz of helicopters and rumble of rescue convoys. 以往爵士乐声悦耳,街头活力蓬勃的纽奥良,如今换了新的声音:直升机烦人的嘈杂声,和救援车队来去的轰隆声。
- The car was a classic of automotive design. 这辆车是第一流自动化设计的产品
- My economics department at the University of New Orleans (www.uno.edu) gets the majority of its PhD applications from Mainland Chinese. 申请我们新奥尔良大学经济系博士研究生的多数都来自中国大陆。
- You can then enjoy the best of New Orleans's night life with as many as one million other party revelers! 届时您就可以与多达百万的狂欢者一起分享纽奥良夜生活的精华了。
- New Orleans is the birthplace of jazz. 新奥尔良是爵士乐的诞生地。
- The shops of New Orleans were so rich and exciting and shopping with Rhett was an adventure. 新奥尔良的商店里物品丰富,使人目不暇接,和瑞德一起买东西是令人兴奋的。