- PLK Stanley Ho Sau Nan Primary School 保良局何寿南小学
- Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Sau Nan Primary School 保良局何寿南小学下午校
- The little boy left primary school at eleven. 这个小男孩十一岁时小学毕业。
- Sure. We are friends since primary school. 当然,我们从小学就是朋友了。
- I started primary school when I was 5 years old. 我五岁时开始读小学。
- Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids. 小学教师使用大量的视觉教具。
- My father is a headmaster of a primary school. 我父亲是小学校长。
- Representatives from Sau Mau Ping Catholic Primary School presented their colourful model of the hillside near their school campus. 秀茂坪天主教小学的代表向参加者讲解他们的模型以缤纷的色彩运用来展示学校旁边斜坡的各种用途。
- Primary school enrolment will peak this year. 今年小学入学人数将达到最高峰。
- I want a job in a primary school. 我想要一份小学里的工作。
- This is the primary school I used to study in. 这是我曾就读的小学。
- Attendance at primary school is obligatory. 上小学是义务的。
- My little girl is at primary school. 我小女儿在上小学。
- A primary school is the first school you go to. 小学是你上的第一个学校。
- My mother was a primary school teacher then. 我母亲曾担任小学教员。
- Today is the open day in the primary school. 今天是小学的参观日。
- We are friends since primary school. 我们从小学就是朋友了。
- I enrolled in a primary school in the county seat. 我也进了县城里的一个小学校。
- Where's An Zhen Center Primary School? 安镇中心小学在哪里?