- Hopf module coalgebra Hopf模余代数
- Twisting Coproduct and General Relative Hopf Module 扭曲余积和广义相关Hopf模
- Yetter-Drinfel'd module coalgebra Yetter-Drinfel'd模余代数
- It generalizes the theories of Yetter-Drinfeld modules on Hopf algebras, and associates the weak Doi-Hopf modules , quantum Yetter-Drinfeld modules with relative weak Hopf modules. 它推广了Hopf代数上Yetter-Drinfeld模的一些理论,并给出了弱Doi-Hopf模,量子Yetter-Drinfeld模与相关弱Hopf模三者之间的关系。
- An Improvement of the Structure Theorem for Relative Hopf Modules 相关Hopf模基本结构定理的一个改进
- Relative Hopf Modules and Noncommutative Differential Geometry 相对Hopf模与非交换微分几何
- H-Hopf module coalgebras H-Hopf模余代数
- Hopf Galois Extensions and Structure Theorems of Hopf Modules Hopf Galois扩张与Hopf模结构定理
- module coalgebras 模余代数
- weak Hopf module 弱Hopf模
- Let L and A be Hopf algebras on field k with antipodes SL and SA,and let C be a right A-module coalgebra. 设L是域k上的Hopf代数,其对极为SL;
- Hopf module Hopf模
- weak module coalgebra 弱模余代数
- In this paper,(A,SA) and(H,SH) both are weak Hopf algebras on a field k. A is also an H-module algebra. (A,SA)和(H,SH)都是数域k上的弱Hopf代数,并且A是右H-余模代数。
- How do you pronounce p - h - l - e - g - m ? 你怎样读“p-h-l-e-g-m”这个单词?
- module coalgebra 模余代数
- Letter "O" stands for oxygen and "H" for hydrogen. 字母“O”代表氧,“H”代表氢。
- Codex Committee on Food H hygiene. 国际食品卫生规范委员会。
- relative Hopf module 相对Hopf模
- Smoking is detrimental to your h. 吸烟有害健康。