- Gynura procumbensn. 平卧菊三七
- Fresh-cut Gynura divaricata(L.) DC. 鲜切富贵菜
- Standard Cultivation Technique of Non - polluted Gynura divaricala DC. 富贵菜无公害标准化栽培技术。
- A low-growing Eurasian plant(Asperugo procumbens) having rough stems and small blue flowers. 岩生庭荠一种产于欧亚大陆(糙草糙草属)的矮生植物,长有粗壮的茎杆并开蓝色的小花
- Physical behavior of model emulsions containing decolorized hsian-tsao (Mesona procumbens Hemsl) leaf gum. 中华民国食品科学技术学会第30次年会壁报论文。
- Acclimation of Photosynthesis to Growth Light Intensity in Chromolaena odorata L. And Gynura sp. 飞机草和兰花菊三七光合作用对生长光强的适应。
- The results show that there is CEV distributed in the different organs of Gynura auranliaca. 结果表明:CEV在惑染爪哇三七体内呈周身分布,但分布是不均一的。
- Chemical components of the essential oil in stem and leaf of Gynura bicolor DC from Guizhou Province were studied. 研究贵州产紫背天葵的茎叶中挥发油化学成分。
- Madeira vine and gynura bicolor are nutritious leafy vegetables that are packed full of vitamin A. 洛葵与红凤菜具有丰富的纤维素,其中富含维生素A。
- Objective: To evaluate the analgesic effect and side effects of Harpagophytum procumbens on chronic pain of the musculoskeletal system. 目的:观察帕歌斯治疗骨骼肌肉系统慢性疼痛的镇痛效应及副作用。
- Conclusion Gynura divaricata(L.)DC can be distinguished by its microscopic structure. 结论白子菜显微特征对白子菜有鉴别意义。
- A Study on the method for determination of alkaloids' content in Gynura bicolor D.C. 与相似的文献。
- Objective To provide some new evidences for the identification and development of Gynura divaricata(L.)DC. 目的为鉴别和开发白子菜资源提供科学依据。
- A low-growing, creeping evergreen plant(Gaultheria procumbens) of North America, having solitary, nodding white flowers, aromatic leaves, and spicy, edible scarlet berries. 冬青树北美洲的一种长得很矮的蔓生常绿植物(伏卧白珠树白珠树属),具有单生的、下垂的白色花朵,叶子有芸香味道,结生香的可食性赤红浆果
- A perennial herb (Pachysandra procumbens), native to the southeast United States and sometimes grown as an ornamental or ground cover for its usually mottled leaves. 平铺富贵草:原产于美国东南部的一种多年生草本植物(平卧板凳果属),由于生有斑驳的叶子,有时作为观赏植物或地被植物而被种植
- Objective:To observe the efficacy and side effects of the treatment with Harpagophytum Procumbens and Diclofenac Sodium on aged degenerative joint disease. 目的:观察帕歌斯与双氯芬酸钠在老年退行性关节病治疗中疗效及副作用的比较。
- Cultivation technology and prevention of Gynura, as well as cure method of disease and pest control are summarized in this paper. 摘要简述了紫背天葵的栽培技术及病虫害防治方法。
- The investigation results may prove to be useful for the development, protection and further study of the resources in Gynura Cass. 该研究有助于对本属植物的资源开发利用与保护和深入研究。
- Two new species of the family (Compositae) Gynura Cass., Gynura panershenia Z. Y. Zhu and Gynura emeiensis Z. Y. Zhu, from Mountain Emei Sichuan, China is described. 摘要描述了四川峨眉山(菊科)菊三七属二新种,即胖儿参与峨眉菊三七。
- Two new species of the family(Compositae) Gynura Cass., Gynura panershenia Z.Y.Zhu and Gynura emeiensis Z.Y.Zhu,from Mountain Emei Sichuan,China is described. 描述了四川峨眉山(菊科)菊三七属二新种,即胖儿参与峨眉菊三七。