- Suppos you are involved in selecting accounting principles for the purpose of prepareing annual financial statements. (假设你在准备年度会计财务报表时陷入了该如何选择会计原则的问题。
- Confused: I am trying to ask do you suppos mthe possibility of such process, how one become enamored after initiated with sexual desires? 惑儒:我的意思是,你认为这种产生爱的过程是可能的吗?
- Added account handles and passwords.Added account registration.Added support for Castling.Added suppo. 作者的网站 更新内容 Added a custom icon to the ROM.
- There will still be some people living in extreme poverty, who are still in need of the government's financial suppo rt. 例20.举例来说,在早先的法国洞穴绘画里,早于公元前10,000年的绘画中没有人与人打仗的画面。(复旦大学02年考博英语翻译试题)
- Position Description Primary qualifications:1.More than 3 years‘ PCs, servers, network, PABX and customers suppo...... ... 公司名称:塔达希时装(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-5-31
- If the SNMP IP address cannot be contacted, NNM switches the address toanother IP address, regardless of whether or not that address suppo?rtsSNMP. 如果无法与SNMP IP联?系,NNM将地址转换为另外一个IP地址,不管该地址是否支持SNMP。
- And particularly I observ'd a place where there had been a fire made, and a circle dug in the earth, like a cockpit, where it is suppos'd the savage wretches had sat down to their inhumane feastings upon the bodies of their fellow-creatures. 我还看到有一个地方曾经生过火,地上挖了一个斗鸡坑似的圆圈,那些野蛮人大概就围坐在那里,举行残忍的宴会,吃食自己同类的肉体。
- Authors consider that the operation unit of the nuclear power plant is suppos ed to be the main body of the safety culture of the plant, and is also the artif icial person of the safety of the plant. 提出并论述了核电营运单位是核电安全文化的主体,核电营运单位是核电安全的全面的法定负责者;
- The deep lake facies dark mudstone, shale and oil shale are better source rock, and the overlying Mid Upper Triassic Xiaoquangou group is the favourable reservoir.All these suppo... 其中深湖相暗色泥、页岩和油页岩构成了良好的烃源岩,其上覆的中-上三叠统小泉沟群为有利的储集层,表明吐哈盆地南部坳陷的侏罗系以下具有良好的油气勘探前景。
- but as I suppos'd, to dress some of their barbarous diet, of humane flesh, which they had brought with them, whether alive or dead I could not know. 我想,他们一定是带来了战俘在烧烤人肉,至于那些战俘带上岛时是活是死,我就不得而知了。
- what it was in Rock, whether Diamonds, or any other precious Stones, or Gold, which I rather suppos'd it to be, I knew not. 这情景是我上岛以来第一次看到的。至于那岩石中是钻石,是宝石,还是金子,我当然不清楚,但我想很可能是这类珍宝。
- Gyno Canesten 凯妮汀(含clotrimazole)
- trosyd 噻康唑(商品名:妥善)
- ft. suppos. (=fiat suppositorium) (拉)制成栓剂,制成坐药
- Gyno-Trosyd Suppos 噻康唑, 妥善栓[抗真菌药]
- suppos suppository 坐药,栓剂
- suppos. (=suppositorium) (拉)栓,栓剂,(=suppository) 坐药
- Or who would ha' suppos'd we were sail'd on to the southward to the truly barbarian coast, where whole nations of Negroes were sure to surround us with their canoes, and destroy us; 没有人会想到,我们会驶向南方野蛮人出没的海岸。到那儿,我们还来不及上岸,就会给各个黑人部族的独木舟所包围,并把我们杀害;
- also it is to be considered that the middle of the day when the sun was in the zenith, the violence of the heat was too great to stir out; so that about four hours in the evening was all the time I could be suppos'd to work in; 此外还必须考虑到,每天中午,太阳在天顶时,酷热难当,根本无法出门。因此,每天真正能够用来工作的时间,只有晚上四小时。
- This evening I renew'd the medicine which I had suppos'd did me good the day before, viz. The tobacco steep'd in rum, only I did not take so much as before, nor did I chew any of the leaf, or hold my head over the smoke; 晚上,我又喝了点浸了烟叶的甘蔗酒,因为我感到,正是昨天喝了这种药酒,身体才好起来,这次我喝得不多,也不再嚼烟叶,或烤烟叶熏头。