- Gynecology general survey 妇科普查
- Why Keynes Turned to A GENERAL SURVEY? 论凯恩斯思想转向《通论》的原因
- They co-edited a general survey. 他们合编了一本要览。
- I propose to give only a general survey of the subject; I shall not go into details. 关于这一专题,我打算只讲一个概况; 我不想详谈细节。
- The general survey of the China Society for Library Science II. 中国图书馆学会综览2。
- General survey of English prepositions with a double purpose II. 双功能英语介词通览2。
- General survey on medicinal plants of Gentianaceae in China. 中国龙胆科药用植物概况.
- General survey instructors and surveyors shall be healthy and dutiful. 普查指导员和普查员应当身体健康、责任心强。
- Part I is a general survey of network"s engendering and development in China. 文章共分为四个部分:第一部分:阐述了网络的产生及其在中国的发展概况。
- A general survey of a subject. 概观对一个主题大体上的考察
- This thesis starts with a general survey of the development of the Bie-Zhuan in the Wei, and the Jin Dynasties. 本文从钩沉别传原始资料入手,对别传在魏晋时期的发展概况作了一个总体性的梳理。
- The Paper presents a general survey of CLOS introducing its development history, features and prospect. 本文是深入浅出的综述,介绍CLOS的发展历史、主要特点和展望。
- Migrant workers in China: a general survey, Social Sciences in China, Vol.XXXIX, No.3. 城市化与中国农村劳动力流动问题研究(合作);中国人口科学(北京);2008.;4
- Another came down Fifth Avenue to the corner of Twenty-sixth Street, took a general survey, and bobbled off again. 另一个人则沿着第五大道来到二十六街的拐角处,打量了一下整个的情形,又蹒跚地走开了。
- Regarding insures the concurrently industry proxy organization, main general survey daily operative activity. 对于保险兼业代理机构,主要普查日常经营活动。
- The book, "A General Survey of Beijing Opera in China" is a key to acquaint yourself with the art of Beijing opera. 这本《中国京剧概览》是了解京剧艺术的钥匙。
- A general survey was made on the foramen rotundum of the external basal surface of the cranium in 60 adults. 60具成人颅骨颅底外面的圆孔观察和测量结果表明:圆孔多呈圆形,其次是卵圆形,其它形较少见。
- This book, "A General Survey of North America", introduces local conditions and customs of the US in detail. 这本《北美概观》详细地介绍了美国的风土人情。
- He was sent to Datong in Shanxi province, to make a general survey of coal reserves. 他被派往山西大同进行煤炭储量的普测。
- I specially made a general survey to make it convenient to be checked up on by higher authorities. 我特地制定了工作情况一览表,方便上级检查。