- It is called Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night and is held on November 5. 人们把每年11月5日的夜晚称为“盖伊·福克斯之夜”或者“篝火之夜”。
- We should all remember our dumb friends on Guy Fawkes night,and shutthem indoors away from the sound of fireworks. 在每年的11月5日盖伊·福克斯的夜晚,我们都应该别忘记自己的宠物,应把它们关在房内,远离烟火声。
- We should all remember our dumb friends on Guy Fawkes night, and shutthem indoors away from the sound of fireworks. 在每年的11月5日盖伊·福克斯的夜晚,我们都应该别忘记自己的宠物,应把它们关在房内,远离烟火声。
- I think previous environment ministers have been on record saying that Guy Fawkes Night produces more dioxins, she says with a smile. 我认为前环境部长已被记录在案说,盖伊福克斯夜间产生更多的二恶英,她笑着说。
- A quintessential Yorkshire treat and, while I always associate it with Guy Fawkes Night, this rich, dark treacle and ginger cake is my chosen slice with a cup of builder’s tea. 一种典型的约克郡吃法,它常使我想起盖伊节的晚上(焰火之夜),涂着浓浓黑色糖浆的姜饼,再加上一杯清茶,这是我在那天晚上的必选美餐。
- What is Guy Fawkes Night? 什么是盖伊。福克斯之夜?
- Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night 盖伊·福克斯之夜
- In Britain, the fire festival is always with the "Guy Fawkes Night" link; 在英国,篝火节总是与“盖伊福克斯之夜”联系在一起;
- Guy Fawkes plotted to blow up parliament. 盖伊·福克斯策划要炸毁国会大厦。
- Did Guy Fawkes Worry About Insurance? 盖伊·福克斯的保险问题?
- Guy Fawkes Nightn. 盖伊·福克斯之夜(11月5日焚人像并燃放焰火之夜)
- Guy Fawkes and his colleagues were executed for treason. 盖伊.;福克斯和他的同党以叛国罪被处死。
- Often they throw models of Guy Fawkes on to the fire. 人们点燃篝火,把英国叛国者盖伊·福克斯的人物模型扔到火中付之一炬。
- On 5 November British children burn effigies of Guy Fawkes. 每逢11月5日英国儿童都焚烧盖伊·福克斯的模拟像.
- But Guy Fawkes neither killed the King nor blew up Parliament. 但是盖伊.;福克斯既没能杀死国王也没能炸掉国会
- British) an effigy of Guy Fawkes that is burned on a bonfire on Guy Fawkes Day. (英国)盖伊·福克斯日在营火里焚烧的盖伊·福克斯的塑像。
- Guy Fawkes was found in a room under the Houses of Parliament in London with a large amount of gunpowder. 1605年的一天,盖伊·福克斯携带大量火药潜入到伦敦议会大厦下面的一个房间里,企图炸毁议会。
- All the noise and fires are made to remember the country's greatest traitor, named Guy Fawkes. 人们在干什么呢?原来,他们在欢度“盖伊·福克斯之夜”。
- An effigy of Guy Fawkes paraded through the streets of English towns and burned on Guy Fawkes Day. 盖伊 福克斯在盖伊 福克斯日,人们举着盖伊 福克斯的木像在英国的各城镇游街并把它烧毁
- In 1605, the "Gunpowder Plot" failed as Guy Fawkes was seized before he could blow up the English Parliament. 1605年“黑色火药密谋”活动失败,当盖伊福克斯要爆炸英国国会之前被抓。