- Guns of the Wild West. 美国西部。
- I once read a book call "the call of the wild", but that's beside the question. 我曾读过一本书,叫《野性的呼唤》, 不过这与本题无关。
- The lion escaped,driven by the call of the wild. 那只狮子受到大自然的召唤而逃跑了。
- The lion escaped, driven by the call of the wild. 那只狮子受到大自然的召唤而逃跑了。
- The wild duck fell at the report of the shotgun. 鸟枪一响,野鸭应声而落。
- The book is called The Call of the Wild. 这本书的书名是”荒野的呼唤”。
- Is the survival of the wild or paintball? 是野外生存还是彩弹射击?
- Often she fled from the wild beasts, forgetting that she was now a wild beast herself; and, bear as she was, was afraid of the bears. 她不敢与野兽为伍,忘记了自己是兽国中的一员; 自身为熊,她却对熊望而生畏。
- Son of the wild goose, Kevin Egan of Paris. 巴黎的“野鹅”凯文·伊根的儿子。
- They'll do anything to spike the guns of the opposition. 他们会使出各种手段来挫败对手。
- Child of the wildness, born into the emptiness. 荒野的孩子,出生在空荡荡之中。
- The guns of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. 俄国共产党的枪杆子造了一个社会主义。
- Foresight had preserved the guns of the previous war for use against U-boats. 远大的预见使上次大战中用来对付潜艇的大炮被保存了下来。
- For a time,the roaring guns of the resistance at Lukouchiao decided the issue. 卢沟桥抗战的炮声,把这个争论暂时地解决了。
- For a time, the roaring guns of the resistance at Lukouchiao decided the issue. 卢沟桥抗战的炮声,把这个争论暂时地解决了。
- North, south, east, and west are the four cardinal points of the compass. 东、西、南、北是罗盘上的四个方位基点。
- One of the blockhouses with one of the four 150mm guns of the MKB Longues. 的堡垒之一,对MKB躺椅的4个150毫米火炮之一。
- Do you seen this, Zero? We are victorious. Behold, the guns of the patriots! 现在的小孩子呀...........话说这拍摄的人是谁,不怕工具被报销么...
- The birds scattered at the sound of the gun. 鸟群一听到枪声就四处飞散了。
- If you want to find a lawyer, I can introduce a top gun of the city to you. 如你想找一位律师,我可以把全城最好的律师介绍给你。