- Gun battle in south Lebanon 黎巴嫩南部枪战
- He could have concentrated on the battle in South Vietnam. 他本来可以在南越战场上全力以赴。
- One policeman was killed and another wounded in the gun battle on Friday in the mountains of Pamirs plateau in south Xinjiang, said spokeswoman Ba Yan. 女发言人巴颜称,星期五新疆南部帕米尔高原群山中发生枪战,一名警察牺牲,另一名受伤。
- One policeman was killed and another wounded in the gun battle on Friday in the mountains of Pamirs plateau in south Xinjiang. 在新疆南部的帕米尔高原上,在上周五的抢占中,警察方面一死一场。
- There was a gun battle in front of the doorway of the police station yesterday. 昨天警察局门口竟发生了一起枪战。
- The ringleader was shot to death in a gun battle. 主犯在枪战中被击毙。
- In one operation, troops killed a militant in a gun battle in the town of Khalis in the eastern province of Diyala. 在其中一次行动中,伊拉克士兵在东部迪亚拉省的哈利斯镇的枪战中打死一名激进分子。
- The war against Hizbullah in south Lebanon in 2006 was botched, but served to shake up the army. 2006年在南黎巴嫩发生的反黎巴嫩真主教的战争虽然失败了,但也足够撼动军队。
- A policeman carries a child away during a gun battle in Tijuana, in Mexico's state of Baja California, January 17, 2008. 一名警察进行了一个孩子在枪战中蒂华纳,墨西哥的状态下加利福尼亚州,2008年一月十七日。
- A two-hour gun battle in one of Mexico's most popular tourist resorts, the costal city of Acapulco has left at least 16 gunmen and 2 soldiers dead. 墨西哥海岸城市亚加布尔科最受欢迎的旅游度假村发生持续两小时的枪战,至少16名持枪者和2名士兵死亡。
- French news agency AFP reported that two helicopters fired at two villages adjacent to the central sector of the occupied zone, some 20km (13 miles) from Saida, the main town in south Lebanon. 据法国新闻媒体AFP报道,两架以色列直升机向控制区中心附近距离南黎巴嫩主要城市赛达约20公里的两个村庄发动了攻击。
- The two merchants came to a pitched battle in the market place. 这两个商人在市场上激烈地争执起来。
- My uncle is travelling in South America. 我叔父在南美洲旅行。
- The Dutch settled in South Africa. 荷兰人在南非殖民。
- Despite gun battles in the capital of Chad, rioting in Kenya and galloping inflation in Zimbabwe, the economies of sub-Saharan Africa are, as a whole, in better shape than they were a few years ago. 尽管查德首都发生枪战、肯亚出现暴动、辛巴威通货膨胀的速度惊人,但非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区的整体经济还是要比数年前来得好。
- In South America, a treeless, grassland area. 南美大草原南美洲的一个无树的草原
- Police fought a gun battle with the gang. 警察与歹徒展开一场枪击战。
- An important battle in the Pacific campaign. 太平洋战役中的一次重要会战
- His battle in these three soldiers is the bravest. 在这三个战士中他战斗最勇敢。
- Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain. 来自约克的里查德徒劳地战斗着。