- The recent advances in ultrasonic guided wave testing technique are summarized. 摘要综述近年来超声导波检测研究的最新进展。
- Ultrasonic guided wave testing technique 超声导波检测技术
- Uhrasonic guided wave testing 超声导波检测
- Guided wave testing technology 超声导波检测技术
- Guided wave testing 导波检测
- Ultrasonic guided wave testing 超声导波检测
- Design and Appalication of stimulant signal generator used for Guide Wave testing 导波检测用激励源的设计及应用
- Ultrasonic guided waves testing 超声导波检测
- Guided wave second-harmonic (SH) generation can not be phase matched automatically by Cerenkov radiation scheme. 用波导产生倍频波时,如果倍频波进入辐射模区,仍然有相匹配问题。
- Based on the ultrasonic guided wave technique and the dispersive waveform prediction method, a method about how to image defects in pipes is presented. 摘要在导波传播理论和频散波形预测理论的基础上,研究了超声导波在检测管道时,如何利用时域波形重构缺陷图像的问题。
- guide wave testing 导波检测
- The transmitter generates guided wave in the plate according to magnetostrictive effect,and then it propagates in the plate and is reflected by the damages and edges of the plate. 根据反射信号的到达时间和波在板中传播的速度,可判断出板中缺陷所在位置。改变恒定偏置磁场与时变磁场的方向可以在板中激励不同波型的导波。
- Creeping wave testing is an effective supplement to conventional ultrasonic testing. 爬波检测是常规超声波检测的有力补充。
- long range guided wave ultrasonic testing 长距离超声导波
- Experiment showed that Rayleigh wave testing technique was feasible for the evaluation and it was convenient, quick and efficient. 试验发现瑞利波法评价地基强夯效果是可行的,具有方便、快速和高效的特点。
- guided wave ultrasonic testing (GWUT) 超声导波检测技术
- This paper deduces the errors sources from the process of ultrasonic longitudinal wave testing and evaluates its uncertainty. 本文分析了超声波探伤纵波检测的误差来源,评定了在探伤过程中的不确定度。
- Applying classical wave theory, a concept of equivalent elastic modulus on propagation speed modification of guided wave through "variable cross-section" of metal bar embeded layer was put forward. 摘要运用波动的经典理论,提出了导波在金属杆嵌入层“变截面”传播时波速改变的“等效弹性模量”的概念。
- Due to the dispersive and multi-mode characteristics of guided waves,the pulse of energy will spread out in space and time as it propagates. 在分析超声导波时间-空间传播特性基础上,建立了超声导波检测的空间表述模型。
- Non-destructive test (NDT) for concrete; inspection, evaluation and appraisal for the quality, flaw, crack and durability of concrete construction; and sound wave test for rock. 咨询专业特长:混凝土无破损检测技术;混凝土质量、缺陷及耐久性检测、评定、鉴定;岩体声波检测。