- From Liuzhou of Guangxi Province, like music. 来自广西柳州,爱好音乐。
- Cholera incidence appeared area clustering in Guangxi Province. 广西霍乱发病呈现一定的地区聚集性。
- From Liuzhou of Guangxi Province, to be good at flute piccolo playing. 来自柳州师范学校,擅长长笛和短笛演奏。
- Debao bauxite deposit in Guangxi province is a karat accumulation type deposit. 摘要广西德保铝土矿属于岩溶堆积型矿床。
- Guangxi province became one of the main districts of producing opium at home. 西南三省云、贵、川更是成为国内生产鸦片的主要地区之一。
- Mashan Guling Cave is 117km south to Nanning, capital of Guangxi province. 摘要马山古零神奇洞景区具有区位好、洞穴景观神奇、开发潜力大、前景好的特点。
- These are specialities from Guangxi Province to be sent to the emperor. 这些进奉是广西的特产,皇帝很喜欢。
- Hepu of Guangxi Province is widely known for its profuse pearls since old age. 广西合浦自古便以盛产南珠闻名于世。
- For example one website has reported that new meteorite craters are found in Changsha city, Hunan province, Wuzhou city, Guangxi province, etc. 如某网页上已见湖南长沙、广西悟州等地新近发现陨石坑的消息。
- We are also looking for the Agent for Fujian, Hunan, Hubei and Guangxi Province. 此外,我们诚征福建,湖南,湖北和广西的代理商。
- From Nanning of Guangxi province, like to read, listen music and play shuttlecock.She wants to study flute now. 来自广西南宁,爱好音乐,读书和羽毛球,正想学长笛。
- City economy is more and more importer in regional economy,but city economy being faller behind in Guangxi province. 城市经济在区域经济中已起到越来越重要的作用,但广西城市经济还比较落后。
- He was born in Nanning city but his ancestral home is Rongshui county of Guangxi province. 苗族,生于南宁市,祖籍广西融水县。
- Tailing dams are built in Dachang, Donghe, Mangchang mining districts in Nandan area, Guangxi province. 广西南丹地区尾矿分布于大厂、车河、芒场等矿区。
- R&D SA of Guangxi Nanning CC corporate is demonstrated after status of MSSSE in Guangxi province is analyzed. 最后,分析广西中小软件企业现状之后,实证了广西南宁CC公司R&D战略联盟组建。
- Add:The cane county in Guangxi Province newly celebrates the town center cillage. 我是在梧州的,藤县在偶旁边,但你想知道什么啊?
- Located in the beautiful Guilin scenic area of Guangxi Province, Sihai Hotel is an international hotel who welcomes the tourists all over the world. 四海饭店位于中国广西美丽的桂林风景区,是一个国际性的饭店,我们热诚接待来自各个国家的旅客。
- Rubusoside is a major sweet component of Rubus suavissimus S.Lee, which is a special product of Guangxi Province, China. 甜茶素是广西特产甜茶中的主要甜味成分。
- Guangxi province is rich in cinnamon resource, so studies on biodegradation of cinnamon oil into natural benzaldehyde have important significance. 依靠广西丰富的肉桂资源,进行桂油生物降解为天然苯甲醛的研究具有重要意义。
- A long moved to Zhuhai from a remote countryside in Guangxi province in 1994.He began to make a living in this hurly-burly of modern city. 阿龙1994年从广西一个偏远的农村来到了珠海,开始在忙碌的城市忙碌地工作。