- The game will lose its relish when you grow old. 你年纪大了以后,就会发现这种游戏的趣味大打折扣了。
- The process of growing old or maturing. 变老; 成熟变老或变成熟的过程
- In life,we are either growing up or growing old. 在生活中,我们要么长大了,要么变老了。
- Children lose their innocence as they grow older. 童稚的天真随著年龄的增长而消逝。
- The prospect of growing old fills me with dread. 想到人会一天天老起来便使我充满恐惧。
- What will you do when you grow old? 你老了打算干什么?
- O-old: means only that she's growing old. 你的头发上已经出现了白发。
- Nature shall not grow old and dote. 大自然不会一日衰老。
- When the children grow up,the parents grow old. 当孩子们长大时,父母们便老了。
- They were all growing old like my father. 他们都像家父一样老了。
- She woke up to the problems of growing old. 她意识到了年老所面临的种种问题。
- Growing old is something a man has to accept. 逐渐衰老是任何人都得承认的事实。
- Growing old is not cause for anger or regret. 译:成长的以前为忿怒或遗憾不是因素。
- Gerontophobia-Fear of old people or of growing old. 害怕老人或变老...(这是大多数女明星们的噩梦吧)
- He became stout as he grew older. 随着年龄的增长,他发胖了。
- It's sad to grow old, but nice to ripen. 衰老固然令人难过,但成熟却是件好事。
- He played the piano less and less as he grew older. 他随著年龄的增长,弹钢琴的次数越来越少了。
- As he grew older, his appreciation of art grew. 随著年龄的增长,他对艺术的鉴赏力也提高了。
- To hold your hand, to grow old with you. 执子之手,与子皆老。