- Grey - Markov prediction Model 灰色马尔柯夫模型
- Markov prediction model Markov预测模型
- By combining the advantages of both Gray prediction and Markov prediction chain theory, a new Gray Markov metabolism GM (1, 1) model is proposed. 笔者结合灰色新陈代谢GM(1,1)模型和马尔可夫链理论的优点,建立飞行事故预测模型。
- The prediction model of coiled tubing fatigue life. 连续油管疲劳寿命预测模型的建立。
- This thesis research the application on the prediction model of Grey System Theory . 本文主要是研究灰色系统理论在预测模型中的应用。
- Based on the relative error minimizes principle, the grey combination prediction model was discussed. 以这些模型为基础,按照相对误差极小化的原则,建立了灰色组合预测模型。
- A better prediction model from grey system is introduced and different AI techniques for synergism of FL, GAs, and NNs are presented. 我们提出一种可行的预测模型用以确保灰色预测的精确度并引入糊模逻辑、基因演算法及类神经网路间互助合作的人工智慧模式。
- A grey prediction model was constructed according to the accumulated data in history of working procedure, and with this model the grey time limit was whitened to certain value. 该方法根据工序作业时间历史积累的数据,建立灰色预测模型,将工程计划中具有灰色特性的不确定性工序作业时间白化为确定值。
- For the optimization of material-blending in the alumina process, a quality prediction model of raw mix slurry is proposed, which is compensated by residual grey model GM(1,1). 针对烧结法氧化铝生料浆配料过程优化的需要,提出了一种基于GM(1,1)灰色模型残差补偿的生料浆质量预测模型。
- Aiming at time series with strong randomicity, the GM (1,1) prediction model considering slope amendatory is brought forward;such that the precision of the grey model is greatly advanced. 针对强随机性的边坡监测时间序列,提出了考虑斜率修正的灰色GM(1,1)预测模型,提高了灰色模型的建模精度。
- Innovation Grey Prediction Model (IGPM) can get better model by updating data in time.For poor information of uncertainty equipment systems, IGPM is applied to prediction of equipment operation. 针对不确定性设备系统贫信息的特点,将新息灰预测方法应用于设备系统运行状态的预测。
- Based on the historical data of Shanghai port container throughput, forecast models are established by using grey prediction model and cubic polynomial curve prediction model. 摘要利用上海港国际集装箱吞吐量的历史数据,分别采用灰色预测法和三次多项式曲线模型建立了单项预测模型。
- Grey Markov Predicting in the Value of Stock Investment 股标投资价值灰色马尔可夫预测
- The new neural network prediction model of water level is established based on the principal component analysis (PCA). 采用人工神经网络与主分量分析相结合的方法,建立了梧州水位的预报模型。
- EOF analyst method is developed to prediction model and here it is used to restore and predict the underwater terrain. 对累积的大量数据进行专题分析,目前发展了EOF分析方法为预测模式,并对黄河三角洲水下地形的恢复和预测作了探讨。
- Subsidence prediction model combining RS and ANN( artificial neural network) is estab1 ished. 建立了以粗集作为前处理器,基于粗集与神经网络相结合的开采沈陷预计模型。
- Also known as predictive models? 导向模式?
- It selects ESN with the mechanism of the "reservoir" as predict model to set up a direct predict method which directly relates the prediction origin and prediction horizon. 通过选取具有储备池机制的回声状态网络ESN作为网络预测模型,建立一种直接预测方法,直接构建预测原点和预测时域之间的定量关系。
- grey Markov Prediction 灰色马尔可夫预测法
- Subsidence prediction model combining RS and ANN (artificial neural network) is estab1ished. 建立了以粗集作为前处理器,基于粗集与神经网络相结合的开采沈陷预计模型。