- Week of Gremlin: Double growth for Gremlins and Master Gremlins. 地精周:地精产量加倍。
- Gremlins and Master Gremlins. 地精周:地精产量加倍。
- Jack of all trade and master of none. 杂而不精,一事无成。
- My lord and master will soon be home and hungry. 我的丈夫一会儿就会饥肠辘辘地回到家。
- He is a jack-of-all-trades and master of none. 他是个三脚猫--杂而不精。
- Jack of all trades, and master of none. 博而不精的人。
- Foe man is man and master of his futa. 人就是人;是自己命运的主人.
- Here were the high and low, slaves and masters. 这里高低贵贱的人都有,有奴隶,也有主人。
- For man is man and master of his love. 人就是人,是自己爱情的主人。
- He is Jack of all trades, and master of none. 他样样都会,但门门不精。
- And master all kinds of carving skills. 而且掌握各种雕刻技法。
- Anyway, lord and master, I'll do as you say. 反止,我的主子老爷,我一定遵命就是。
- A Jack of all trades and master of none. 三脚猫无所长。
- Jack of all trades and master of none. 门门精通,样样稀松。
- For man is man and master of his fate. 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。
- A Jacke of all trades and master of none. 三脚猫无所长。
- Confront and master the inevitable crises of life. 共同面对和掌控生活中不可避免的危机。
- Day 2: Nur defeats the demons guarding the sulfur mine (again not wasting time flagging it) and then runs to Zehir, giving him all the troops except 7 gremlins and 5 gargoyles. 第2天:怒而干掉守卫硫磺的恶魔并不占领,跑向泽西尔并将除了7个精怪5个石像以外的兵力交给泽西尔。
- For man is man and master of his fate/feit? 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。
- I wanta insist to learn English and master it. 我要坚持把英文学好。