- Greenland Ice Sheet Project 格陵兰冰层计划
- Like the Greenland ice sheet, the West Antarctic ice sheet is also losing mass. 就像格陵兰冰原一样,西部南极冰原也正在流失。
- MAY: What Washington, D.C., Might look like if the Greenland ice sheet melted completely. 海平面继续上升的话华盛顿会变成的样子。
- Seven hundred and fifty miles across, and up to two miles thick, the northern cap has a volume just half that of the Greenland ice sheet. 北部冰冠有750英里宽,两英里厚,体积正好是格陵兰冰原的一半。
- A large meltwater stream rushes across the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet filling a supraglacial lake. 一个大融水流草席横跨格陵兰冰盖填补supraglacial湖面。
- In fact, the Greenland ice sheet is the second largest area of ice on land in the world. 事实上,格陵兰的冰原是世界上第二大的陆地冰域。
- Konrad Steffen of the University of Colorado, Boulder, leads one study of the Greenland ice sheet. 位于博尔德的科罗拉多州大学的KonradSteffen先生负责一项格陵兰冰原项目研究。
- But by whatever mechanism, the giant Greenland ice sheet was accelerating across its rocky moorings and toward the sea. 不过,不管是何种机制,格陵兰冰原正从岩石上方加速向海面滑动。
- Photo Gallery: Caves Spelunkers rappel 300 feet (90 meters) into the Greenland ice sheet. 意译:洞穴的图片画廊。爱好探索洞穴的人用绳索下口降落到300英尺(90米)的格陵兰大冰盖。
- Seven hundred and fifty miles across,and up to two miles thick,the northern cap has a volume just half that of the Greenland ice sheet. 北部冰冠有750英里宽,两英里厚,体积正好是格陵兰冰原的一半。
- A meltwater lake on the Greenland ice sheet that contained 44 billion litres and covered 5.7 sq km gurgled away within 24 hours in 2006. 格陵兰大冰原上有一个融水湖泊,容量达440亿升,覆盖面积达5.;7平方公里,在2006年,仅仅用了24小时就流光了。
- No one quite knows why glaciers and ice shelves are melting so fast, or how a meltwater lake on the Greenland ice sheet covering six square kilometres could drain away in 24 hours, as it did in 2006. 没有人明白为什么冰川和冰架正如此快地在融化,或者方圆六平方公里的格陵兰岛冰盾上的融水湖怎么会在二十小时内枯竭,这是发生在2006年的事情。
- They found a tiny bacterium that's been trapped miles below Greenland ice sheets for the past 120,000 years. 他们发现了一种在格陵兰岛冰原几十英里下捕获的120,000年以前的极小细菌。
- Her new study showed that vast amounts of fresh water more than20,000 cubic kilometres have been added to the northernmost parts of the ocean over the past40 years because the Arctic and Greenland ice sheets are melting. 她的新研究表明,由于北极和格林兰冰层的融化,在过去40年里,有大量淡水(2万立方公里)注入北大西洋的最北部。
- In recent years, cores of ice drilled in the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets have provided extremely valuable evidence about the earth's past climate, including changes in the concentrations of the greenhouse gases. 近年来,从南极与格陵兰冰原钻探取得的冰心,为地球过去的气候以及温室气体的浓度变化,提供了非常重要的证据。
- But if even half of the West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets were to melt, sea levels would rise by six or seven metres, flooding many of the world's big cities, and the outlook is discouraging. 但是即使是一半的南极西部和格陵兰岛的冰盾融化,海平面也将升高六七米,淹没世界上很多大城市,前景令人沮丧。
- its ice fjord drains 7% of the area of the Greenland ice sheet. 其冰层峡湾为格陵兰冰盖上7%25的土地排水防涝。
- Effects of a melted greenland ice sheet on climate, vegetation, and the cryosphere 溶化的格陵兰冰架对气候、植被和冰雪圈的影响
- Konzelmann T.Braithwaite R J Variations of ablation,albedo and energy balance at the margin of the Greenland ice sheet,Kronprins Christian Land,eastern north Greenland 1995(137 蒲健辰.;姚檀栋
- Their prediction is that a 3℃ rise in temperature In Greenland will trigger the irreversible melting of its ice sheet. 他们的预测是:格陵兰岛上温度上升摄氏3度将不可逆转地引起其冰层的融化。