- Abrasive Water Jet is one of the advanced green machining tools. 摘要磨料水射流是一种先进的绿色加工工具。
- The result has indicated that dry tapping is a great future green machining process. 结果表明:干式攻丝是一种很有前途的绿色制造工艺技术。
- Green machine adds Electric Discharege Section more space and consciousness about safe operation. 绿色的机械,更增添电加工部的广阔空间和安全操作意识。
- That is the closest this massive gas-guzzler will ever come to being a green machine. 那是最靠近油老虎将会来到作为一部环保的机器。
- Bottom line is this lean mean green machine will be turning head with it's sleek beauty, awesome range, killer performance and zero tailpipe emissions. 底线是精益意味着绿色机器将转向头部的光滑美丽,可怕的范围内,杀手的性能和零尾气排放。
- Spring, the spring green machine, things are a revived. grass, there are many ornamental flowers. Also put on the green trees spring clothing. 春天,春机盎然、万物都苏醒过来了。绿绿的草地上,也有许多花的点缀。大树也穿上了翠绿的春衣。
- He believes the “ultimate green machine” will be cheap enough to attract occasional users while also deterring thieves. 他认为这个“终极环保设备”能够吸引那些偶尔骑车的人,并可以防止盗窃。
- Definitely not meant for congested places Huffy Bicycles 98146 Green Machine II will ensure you become a neighborhood hero instantly. 绝对不是意味着拥挤的地方发怒的自行车98146绿二机床将确保你成为一个社区英雄瞬间。
- When the Hawks took the Celtics to Game Seven last season, that was massive considering everyone expected the Green Machine to steamroll the hapless Hawks. 而就在上个赛季的季后赛首轮,当所有人都预测凯子会蹂虐倒了大霉的老鹰时,鹰队却把凯子拉入了抢七大战。
- The goal is to turn GM and the rest into Big Green Machines that will stop making SUVs and trucks and start making small cars that run on something other than carbon fuel. 他们希望通用和其他几个汽车生产商变身绿色机器生产商,停止制造SUV(运动型多功能汽车)和卡车,而改为生产那些不使用碳燃料的小型汽车。
- Optimal way to choose cutting fluid for green machining 绿色机械加工中切削液优选的基本途径
- Mr. Green spoke highly of our city. 格林先生很称赞我们的城市。
- Basic Procedure and Approach to Implement Green Machining 实施绿色机械加工的基本程序与途径
- At the World Symposium on the Information Society in Tunis, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan presents OLPC's latest iteration, the so-called green machine, with its distinctive pencil-yellow hand crank. 在突尼斯举办的信息社会世界研讨会上,联合国(UN)秘书长Kofi Annan展示了OLPC协会最新的被称为绿色机器的样机,它带有一个与众不同的手摇柄。
- I stood watching for the signal to change to green. 我站着等待交通信号转为绿灯。
- Mr Green is a professor in name but not in reality. 格林先生是徒有虚名的教授。
- The man whose right eye is blind is Mr. Green. 右眼瞎的那人是格林先生。
- Hello. worldwide flowers. Ers. Green speaking. 喂,这是世界花卉公司,我是格林太太。
- Are you going to get the house painted green? 你打算要把房子漆成绿色吗?
- The paper turned green as if by magic. 这纸魔术般地变成了绿色。