- Though very small, the grass has great vitality. 小草虽小,但有强大的生命力。
- This Sumerian learning had a very great vitality. 苏美尔人的这种学识是具有强大的生命力的。
- This kind of plant has great vitality. 这种植物具有强大的生命力。
- Your letter filled me with great vitality. 读了你的信之后我感到充满活力。
- To the great vitality in the face of any challenge. 以勃勃的生机面对任何的挑战。
- Shilong of this tree is evergreen, great vitality. 石龙这种树是常青树,生命力极强。
- His healthy way of living accounts for his great vitality. 他健康的生活方式说明他为什么有这么大的活力。
- Why does Cuba's Socialism Regime Have so Great Vitality? 古巴社会主义政权为何具有强大生命力?
- We are both countries of great vitality and strength. 两国都力量强大。充满朝气。
- In the park, everywhere can see it some of the great vitality of grass. 在公园里,到处都可以看见这一些生命力顽强的小草。
- China-EU relations are all-dimensional, multi-tiered and wide-ranging, exhibiting great vitality and dynamism. 今天的中欧关系是全方位、多层次、宽领域的,充满了生机和活力。
- This sufficiently indicates that bilateral cooperation has a solid foundation and great vitality. 这充分说明我们的合作具有坚实的基础和旺盛的生命力。
- To get a first-hand experience of the great vitality, tremendous changes and beautiful landscape of China. 感受中国的蓬勃生机、巨大变化和美丽风光。
- The sand-bramble is a kind of bush with great vitality and it often grows in the dry and cold barren mountain areas. 沙棘是一种生命力极强的灌木 ,一般生长在干燥、寒冷的贫瘠山区。
- Marxism is not a dogma. Only by being correctly applied and constantly developed in practice, does it exhibit great vitality. 马克思主义不是教条,只有正确运用于实践并在实践中不断发展才具有强大的生命力。
- The great advantages of the errantry culture infuse great vitality into the traditional Chinese sports culture. 游侠文化的巨大优势使得中国传统体育的文化生命力极为强大;
- The company has experienced management and sales elite, as the company's operating bring a great vitality. 本公司拥有经验丰富的管理人员和销售精英,为公司的经营带来勃勃生机。
- They have great vitality growing stubbornly and toughly on the west desert zone. 位于巴丹吉林沙漠西部,被誉为“活著的化石树”是额济纳旅游中最富代表性的自然景观。
- Marxism is not a dogma. Only by being correctly applied and constantly developed in practice,does it exhibit great vitality. 马克思主义不是教条,只有正确运用于实践并在实践中不断发展才具有强大的生命力。
- And indeed, for the majority of Americans, whether or not they summoned Spencer to their aid, the era was one of great vitality. 说真的,对大多数美国人而言,不管是否求助于斯宾塞,他们的时代的特征确是生气勃勃的。