- Great gain make work easy. 有钱能使鬼推磨。
- Great gain makes work easy. 重大收获使工作顺利。
- To make work easier, Server Edition contains a special notification manager. Server Edition拥有一个特别的通告管理器。
- The Delegation would endorse the idea to group them in order to make work easier. 该代表团支持关于结合提案以利工作的想法。
- Haste make work which caution prevent. 匆忙专干不谨慎的事。
- Great gain is not win except by great risk. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
- But godliness with contentment is great gain. 然而敬虔加上知足的心便是大利了。
- Office integration makes office work easier. 办公一体化使办公室的工作更简单。
- We are de-greasing detergent professional. We make work Safe Save and Easy. 除油专家:除油更安全、更轻松、更节约。
- One doctor only makes work for another. 能医不自医。
- Jay's great gain in the stock market encouraged him to invest in real estate. 杰伊在股市取得了不错的收益,这促使他在房地产界投资。
- Haste makes work which caution prevents. 匆忙专干不谨慎的事。
- Change your mindset and make work fun. 换一个思路,让工作变得更有趣。
- Great gains are not won except by great risks. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
- The ergonomically designed handles are easy to grip and its light weight makes the work easy and non tedious. 由此可以看出,体外排精实不足取,夫妻之间还是采取其它避孕方法为好。
- The devil make work for idle hands. 闲则生非。
- In order to make the repair work easy,you shall maintain a stock of spare parts locally. 为了方便修理工作,你方应在当地储存一些备件。
- Smaller or less valuable coins - can expect a greater gain. 小或没价值的硬币--能期待更大的收获。
- Fair gainings make fair spendings. 来得正当,花得舒坦。
- You'll find the work easier as you go along. 在进行过程中,你会发现这工作容易做起来的。