- Grassland of Yunwu mountain 云雾山草地
- Characteristics of Soil Enzymatic Activities in Enclosed Area of Yunwu Mountain 云雾山自然保护区不同植物群落土壤酶活性特征研究
- Yuan River comes from Yunwu Mountain in Duyun, Nanzhou, Which located in the east of Guizhou Province. 沅江起源于贵州的黔东南州都匀的云雾山中,属于长江流域洞庭湖水系。
- A flat grassland of tropical or subtropical regions. 热带或亚热带地区的平坦草原。
- Spatial variability of organic matter in grassland soil and determination of sampling number in Yunwu Mountain natural conservation area in Ningxia 宁夏云雾山自然保护区草地土壤有机质空间变异性及采样数确定
- Treatment of a Huge Cave in Yunwu Mountain Tunnel 云雾山隧道巨大溶洞的处理
- A study on Linolenic acid content of Descurainia sophia distributed in the grassland of west Sichuan. 川西草原植物资源播娘蒿亚麻酸含量的研究。
- Grassplot and grassland of 139,000 mu; there teem with sugar cane, fruit, edible fungus, tea, eel etc; among them longan, loquat and shaddock are famous home abroad. 草山草地面积13.;9万亩,盛产大米、甘蔗、水果、食用菌、茶叶、鳗鱼等,其中龙眼、枇杷、文旦柚三大名果驰名中外。
- The area by the city moat, the suburbs and the broad grassland of the newly built residential areas in Beijing are all suitable for flying kites. 护城河边,郊区,北京新建的小区绿地面积也很大,都适合放风筝。
- Dzeren have the thin and beautiful outlines and often live in the grassland of Semi-desert areas. 黄羊的体形纤瘦,身姿优美,栖息于半沙漠地区的草原地带。
- The mountain rise up in a steep wall of rock. 这座山高而陡,形成一道岩石屏障。
- The mountain rose up in a steep wall of rock. 这座山高而陡,形成一道岩石屏障。
- J: I don't like busy cities, the fast cities either. It seems to me that the freedom on the grassland of Inner-Mongolia is what I desire. 我不太喜欢生活一个繁忙的,生活节奏比较快的城市,我喜欢到内蒙古啊,草原上生活,我感觉那样的生活很自由。
- Seasonal dynamics of environmental factors and decomposition rate of litter in Puccinellia tenuiflora community of Songnen grassland of China. 松嫩草原碱茅群落环境因素与凋落物分解季节动态。
- Small villages scatter at the foot of the mountain. 村庄零零落落地散布在山脚下。
- From then on, whenever the green grass and Hongyan to the North, on the grassland of the herdsmen on a Jishanaobao activities. 从此以后,每当绿草如茵,鸿雁北归时,草原上的牧民就进行祭山敖包活动。
- Most of the rock in this mountain is shale. 这座山上大部分的岩石都是页岩。
- Gradually away from the noisy crowd, in the vast grassland of only 13-we (also a four-month-small Maju) and 12 individuals seen. 渐渐地远离了吵杂的人群,在茫茫的草地上只有我们13匹马(还有一匹4个月大的小马驹)和12个人的身影。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- The ecological features and the ecogeographical distrbution of the major forage legumes growing in native grassland of jilin Province wer studied. 本文通过对吉林省豆科牧草资源的考察,对吉林省天然草地主要豆科牧草的生物生态学特性,生态地理分布和饲用特性进行了阐述和评价。