- A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly. 毛虫是蝴蝶的幼体。
- A caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly. 毛毛虫必须经过茧的阶段才能变成蝴蝶。
- The climate on grassland is capricious. 草原的气候变化无常。
- The horses are eating grass on the grassland. 马在草地上吃草。
- Grassland caterpillar 草原毛虫
- In South America, a treeless, grassland area. 南美大草原南美洲的一个无树的草原
- The ugly caterpillar will change into a beautiful butterfly. 丑陋的毛虫会变成美丽的蝴蝶。
- Most of the nomads live in grassland and have no fixed home. 游牧部落的大多人都生活在草原上并且居无定所。
- A caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. 毛虫变成了蝴蝶。
- The caterpillar has metamorphosed into a butterfly. 蝎已变成蝴蝶。
- A flock of sheep are ranging over the grassland. 一群羊在草原上来回走动。
- A caterpillar is transformed into a butterfly. 毛虫变成蝴蝶。
- The village houses are speckled on the grassland. 绿色的草原上点缀着几间村舍。
- This might apply to caterpillar vehicles. 这可能是说履带车辆。
- The grassland scenery of Tibet is unrivalled. 西藏的草原风景是无与伦比的。
- The caterpillar turned into butterfly. 毛虫变成了蝴蝶。
- The snake was coiled up on the grassland. 那蛇被盘绕在草地上。
- "Keep your temper," said the caterpillar. “别发脾气嘛,”大青虫说。
- The snowstorm swept the vast expanse of grassland. 暴风雪袭击了辽阔的草原。
- The Caterpillar was the first to speak. 毛毛虫首先开腔了: