- Grand Theft Auto Vice City 侠盗猎车:罪恶都市
- Grand Theft Auto - Vice City Stories 侠盗猎车-罪恶都市传奇
- Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, you play as the protagonist Huang Lee, a member of the Chinese Triads in Liberty City. 侠盗车手:唐人街战争,你扮演的主角黄肋哦,一名华人黑社会在自由城。
- Most gamers are quite happy to sit on a sofa or a beanbag when playing “Gears of War” or “Grand Theft Auto”. 玩“战争机器”或“侠盗猎车”这类游戏时,大部分的玩家虽然也很乐意坐在沙发或懒人沙发中。
- Amazon has also added a dedicated storefront promoting music from Grand Theft Auto IV. 亚马逊也添加了一个专门的店面来推广来自侠盗猎车手4的音乐。
- Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories 横行霸道.;自由市战记
- Police say a 7-year old South Florida boy faces grand theft auto charges after taking his grandmother's Dodge Durango for a joyride. 警方称,(美国)南佛罗里达州一7岁男孩因偷开祖母的“道奇杜郎戈”寻开心,将面临盗窃汽车罪的指控。
- We've compiled a list of all the achievements that are attainable through playing Grand Theft Auto IV until your eyes bleed and your thumbs cry out in pain. 我们已经编制了一份名单,直到你的眼睛流血和您的拇指哭出来的时候(打通关),所有的成绩就都能实现了。
- ” No less absurdly, some commentators tried to make violent video games the culprit, as if playing a few rounds of Grand Theft Auto makes you shoot up a school. 同样荒谬的是,某些评论家试图将暴力电脑游戏归结为暴力事件发生的罪魁祸首,好像玩几个回合的“侠盗猎车手”电脑游戏就会导致你枪击校园。
- Grand Theft Auto 侠盗车手,又名侠盗猎车手和横行霸道
- It was just announced that GTA: Vice City Stories will be $50. 有消息宣称GTA罪恶城故事将卖到50美刀!
- Assault. Grand theft auto. Impersonating an officer. Mayhem. Theft. Resisting. 指伤人、偷车、假扮警察、故意伤害、偷窃、拒捕罪行。
- A billboard in Vice City Stories for the PSP appears to reference to a new GTA game for PSP. 在PSP上的罪都故事上里一块广告牌上出现了一个新的对应PSP的GTA游戏。
- Vice City is littered with businesses trying to earn residents' money in both legal and illegal ways. 副城市被乱丢以企业设法赢得居民的金钱用法律和非法方式。
- Those kids are no minor shoplifters. They steal expensive cars and jewelry. This is grand theft we're talking about. 那些小鬼可不是小扒手,他们偷的是昂贵汽车与珠宝,我们现在谈的可是重窃盗罪。
- For those that need that sense of freedom and escape, why not charter a helicopter and see the beauty of Vice City from the air? 对于那些需要体味自由和逃避现实的人,为什么不包一架直升机,亲眼看到从空中罪恶都市的美丽?
- Did you feel the floor burns of those three steals, Grand Theft Basketball 2008, consecutive heists in the final minutes? 你看到比赛最后那三个抢断--2008最佳抢断,在比赛最后连续三次抢断?
- In the works: Rage, a futuristic story-driven game that promises Grand Theft Auto-style exploration and adventure as well as the expected claustrophobic gun-wielding action. 在工程包括:愤怒,在未来的故事带动游戏诺言侠盗式的探索与冒险以及预期幽闭枪挥舞行动。
- For the secretive or creepy type, Vice City is full of surprises, a place where you'll constantly be surprised by the vivacious, fun-loving types who live there and the things you can discover. 对于遮遮掩掩,内向的人,罪恶都市是充满了惊喜的,在这里您将不断地受到居住在这里的人和你可以探索的事物的活泼乐趣爱意形式的惊奇。