- Another participant, the Grand Mufti of Egypt, is by comparison a trailblazer. 另一名与会者,埃及的大穆夫提相比之下则是一位开拓者。
- Emboldened by his welcome, Mr Gomaa offered to help Britain set up a post like his own: state-certified grand mufti. 受到布莱尔大力欢迎的鼓励,戈玛提出帮助英国设立一个如同他自己那样的职务:国家认可的大穆夫提。
- The Grand Mufti began by thanking the Fuhrer for the great honor he had bestowed by receiving him. 大穆夫提首先就受到接见这一荣幸向元首表示感谢。
- The Grand Mufti, Shaikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalili exhorted Muslims to be pious and obey Allah the Almighty. 伟大的伊斯兰教领袖哈玛,激励穆斯林要虔诚及顺服全能的阿拉。
- The Grand Mufti replied that it was his view that everything would come to pass just as the Fuhrer had indicated. 大穆夫提回答说,他认为事况一定会按元首指出的那样发展。
- S heikh Ahmad Kuftaro, the grand Mufti of Syria, is actively striving to unite the human family. 我亲吻世界上那些为真主的道路、为提高穆斯林尊严而圣战的人们的双手。
- The Fuhrer replied that he had just now given the Grand Mufti precisely that confidential declaration. 元首回答说,他刚才的表态正是这样一种秘密声明。
- All of this has prompted Saudi Arabia's grand mufti to call for a boycott of the Turkish series, which he called “evil”. 这一切促使沙特阿拉伯大穆夫提呼吁对他所称的“邪恶”的土耳其电视剧进行联合抵制。
- Jerusalem's Grand Mufti, Sheikh Mohammad Husein, issued a call of ordering Palestinian Muslims to stay away from the polls. 耶路撒冷大穆夫提谢赫穆罕默德侯赛因,发出呼吁,要求下令巴勒斯坦穆斯林远离投票站。
- He (the Fuhrer) fully appreciated the eagerness of the Arabs for a public declaration of the sort requested by the Grand Mufti. 他(元首)完全理解阿拉伯方面对大穆夫提请求的这种声明的急切心情。
- Senior clerics, including Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Al-Sheikh, the kingdom's grand mufti, have denounced child marriage.But it is still prevalent in conservative areas. 高级教职人员,包括皇国大阿訇色柯.;阿布度尓
- In addition, in a bid to use them to undermine British rule in the Middle East, Himmler drafted the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to oversee these divisions' religious practices. 为了破坏英国人在中东的统治,希姆莱又命令耶路撒冷的领有来监视这些师的宗教仪式。
- The moment that Germany's tank divisions and air squadrons had made their appearance south of the Caucasus, the public appeal requested by the Grand Mufti could go out to the Arab world. 德国坦克师和空军中队出现在南高加索之日,就是可向阿拉伯世界发出大穆夫提请求的公开呼吁之时。
- The Grand Mufti thanked him for it and stated in conclusion that he was taking his leave from the Fuhrer in full confidence and with reiterated thanks for the interest shown in the Arab cause. 大穆夫提对此表示感谢。最后,他表示自己将满怀信心地辞别元首,并再次感谢元首对阿拉伯事业的关心。
- I've booked you in at the Grand Hotel. 我已经在格兰大饭店为你预定了房间。
- She struck up the first carol on the grand piano. 她在那架大钢琴上演奏起第一支颂歌。
- Soldiers wear mufti on leave, not uniform. 士兵度假时穿便服,不穿制服。
- I will rather sing grand opera than listen to it. 我情愿自己唱大歌剧也不要去听它。
- My small contribution was lost in the grand total. 我的小小捐献在巨大的总额中小得几乎看不见。
- How grand the mountains look in the early evening! 暮色中群山是多么壮丽!