- Her tallness was an added grace and beauty. 她的身高更增添了她的优美。
- A Brief Discussion of Contributing Factors of "Grace and Restraint" and "Boldness and Unconstraint" of Ci 词的"婉约"与"豪放"成因简论
- But for all her modesty and restraint, she was not prim. 当时,她在鱼和野生动物管理署的编辑职责已经开始增加。
- The cottage has a rustic grace and beauty. 这个木棚有一种乡间的优雅和美丽。
- The grace and dignity were in her limbs and neck. 她的四肢和颈部有一种优雅、庄严的神态。
- Tolerance and restraint in the face of provocation; patience. 克制面对挑衅时的忍耐和克制;耐心
- She was a beautiful girl with the grace and poise of a natural model. 她是一个美丽的姑娘,有着模特儿的那种优雅姿态。
- I expressed displeasure, with my legendary humility and restraint. 我作出了不悦的表情,我的谦卑克制精神是众所周知的。
- Gracefulness and Restraint 婉约
- You move through each day with grace and aplomb. 祝您的每一天都这样美丽而安详。
- Joanna has natural grace and elegance. 乔安娜具有自然的优雅风姿。
- The Lord of great grace and teacher of men, Buddha. 大恩教主。
- Grace and Catherine always walk to school together. 格雷斯和凯瑟琳总是一起步行到学校。
- She is a beautiful girl with the grace and poise. 她是一位仪态优雅的佳丽。
- She is an agile swimmer, full of grace and speed. 她是一名游泳健将,泳姿优雅而动作矫
- Yearn for grace and insist on being yourself. 有人愿意给我积分,怎么能给过来?
- Grace and Henry are obviously madly in love. 显而易见,格蕾丝和亨利正处于热恋之中。
- Grace and I just met but we have good vibes. 格蕾丝和我刚认识,但我们之间很有共鸣。
- She has a wonderful face, full of grace and poise. 她有着一张绝妙的脸,满是优雅和沉着。
- She was too showy, too lacking in taste and restraint, to his way of thinking. 照他的想法,她太华丽,太欠缺审美力,太没有拘束了。