- C. is composed of a large Collegiate Gothic section, crowned by Cleveland Tower, a local landmark that also houses a world-class carillon. 普林斯顿很爽快地用收到的捐款把贫困学生无法支付的学费都减免而不像其他大学强加学生背上沉重的贷款包袱。
- This article is printed in Gothic. 这篇文章是用粗黑体字印刷的。
- I have been awed by the devoted spirit of Gothic wood carving. 我对哥特木刻的热忱精神感到敬畏。
- A cathedral of the Gothic order. 哥特式建筑风格的教堂
- He has lived one section of miserable life. 他过了一段悲惨的生活。
- Signals control each section of the railway track. 各种信号控制着铁路轨道的每个部分。
- A hinged or removable section for a table top. 活动桌面桌子上部有铰链连接或可移动的部分
- First the surgeon performed the section of the blood vessel. 外科医生首先切开血管。
- He lived in a quiet section of uptown. 他住在住宅区的一个安静的地段。
- He occupied the other section of Martin's house. 他占用了马丁房子的另一部分。
- This Gothic cathedral has attracted visitors from all around the world. 这座哥特式的大教堂吸引了世界各地的游客。
- The architect drew the house in section. 建筑师画出房子的剖面图。
- Thus Gothic Paris was complete only for a moment. 因此,峨特艺术风格的巴黎,完整无缺的时间只是一刹那而已。
- The last section sums up all the arguments on either side. 最后一部分总结了双方的全部论点。
- A desk with a top section for books. 有抽屉或分类格的写字台
- It is a classic style of Gothic buildings. 这是哥特式建筑的典型样式。
- A single roll or a rolled section. 一卷东西或被卷起来的一段
- An arch that is foliated in the Gothic style. 一座按哥特式风格饰以叶形装饰的拱门
- The section gang was called out to fix the broken bridge. 养路工们被召集去抢修损坏的桥。
- Gothic: a style of architecture originated in N. 哥特式的:用以指一种在11世纪兴起与法国北部,12至16世纪常见于西欧之建筑风格。