- Gonium pectoralen. 盘藻
- A pectoral muscle;the pectoral cavity. 胸肌;胸腔
- Pectoral qi performs two main functions. 宗气主要执行两种功能。
- I want to do really shrink pectoral operation. 我真的想去做缩胸手术。
- One of the bones of the pectoral girdle in many vertebrates. 胸带骨许多脊椎动物的胸带骨中的一块
- He walked among the displaced contours of her pectoral girdle. 他在她胸肢带骨的变形周线间漫步。
- The friend coughs, haemoptysis, pectoral painful a week. 朋友咳嗽,咯血,胸痛一周。
- May be free, or may attach anteriorly to the pectoral girdle. 可能是分离的,也可能向前连接到肩带。
- How is the pectoral ascites that tuberculosis causes treated? 肺结核引起的胸腹水如何治疗?
- Winglike pectoral fins extend along the sides of the head. 翼状的胸鳍沿头的两侧延伸生长。
- When we breathe in we contract our pectoral muscles. 当我们吸气的时候,我们收缩自己的胸肌。
- We cannot be certain that Gonium, pandonina, Eudonna, and Pleodorina represent stages in the evolution of multicellular Volvox from unicellular chlamydomonas. 我们不能肯定盘藻、实球藻、空球藻和杂球藻代表从单细胞衣藻到多细胞因藻的各进化阶段。
- The first pectoral fin ray of the male is somewhat thicker than that of female. 第一胸鳍曙光男是有点粗多于女生。
- The breast tissue is dissected posteriorly to the pectoral muscle and fascia. 将乳房组织向后剥离至胸肌和胸肌筋膜。
- Because midriff flesh is nervous, had better use pectoral type breath. 由于膈肌紧张,最好采用胸式呼吸。
- Oddly enough, this ventilation shift may have kicked off the gradual morphing of the shoulder girdle and pectoral fins. 奇怪的是,这呼吸上的改变有可能启动了前肢带与胸鳍的形态逐渐改变。
- The Bench Press targets the pectoral (chest) muscles but also makes heavy demands on the triceps and front delts. 卧推主要作用在胸大肌群,不过也会使三头跟前三角肌吃不少力。
- The most popular cable machines include the Lat Pulldown for exercising the back muscles and the Pectoral Fly for strengthening the chest muscles. 最受欢迎的绳索拉力器包括练习背部肌肉的高拉训练机和增强胸部肌肉的蝴蝶扩胸机。
- She had to concentrate on flexing her pectoral muscle, or the triceps, to power the arm. 为了给手臂提供力量,她不得不用力伸缩她的胸肌或者三头肌。
- The combined head, trunk and enlarged pectoral fins of some cartilaginous fishes with depressed bodies. 体盘头部,身体以及延长的胸鳍所共同形成的体盘。