- Gomphia serratan. 齿叶赛金莲木
- Using a UBM, the dialysis of ora serrata was found in all eyes. 经过UBM检查的14例患者均提示存在锯齿缘截离,其中2例未在本院手术而失访。
- OBJECTIVE Prepare Huperzine A from herb extract of Huperzia serrata Thunb. 目的从千层塔植物提取物中分离制备石杉碱甲单体。
- The clinical feature and operating manner of ora serrata dialysis and retinal detachment in 50 cases (53 eyes)were reported. 报告50例(53眼)锯齿缘断离视网膜脱离的临床特点与术式。
- Huperzine A was found in H. serrata, H. serrata var. intermedia, H. sutchueniana, H. hunaniana a... 在该属中4种形态极难区分的种之间,石杉碱甲含量具有分类学意义。
- Linxia City of cannabis: the rural rich in rare serrata, South Tatsugo to soft, well-known white slender. 临夏市大麻:盛产于枹罕乡、南龙乡,以柔软、洁白细长出名。
- Han Han county located serrata, Ming Chi-Ghazal, in 1913 to lead River County, 1928 to Linxia County. 汉设枹罕县,明置河州,1913年改导河县,1928年改临夏县。
- The megalopa of S. serrata has dactyl lower margin on the fifth abdominal segment which is different from three other Scylla species. 花脚蟳大眼幼体在第五腹节具有指状下缘,与其他三种明显不同。
- Results:The biomass of Atractylodes lancea was related to the growth of Ouercus serrata var.brevipetiolata,slope and humidity. 结果:苍术生物量与短柄桴的长势、坡向和湿度密切相关;苍术在道地产区茅山北部野生量相对较少,南部较多,中部最少。
- In addition,the total flavoids extraction from Huperzia serrata wrer mainly flavone and flavonol by analyzing for its coloration reations. 此外,本试验还对千层塔黄酮提取液进行了各种定性颜色反应,初步确定其中的黄酮类物质主要为黄酮类和黄酮醇类。
- It is suggested that elevation of the content of EPA and DHA in especial will favor the survival and growth of larval Scylla serrata. 结果表明,提高轮虫的EPA和DHA含量,尤其是DHA含量,将有利于锯缘青蟹幼体的存活和发育。
- Scylla serrata with our production of natural wild crab meat delicate, delicious flavor, taste Huanen, nutrient-rich, and other characteristics. 我们生产的锯缘青蟹具有天然野生蟹肉的肉质细腻、味道鲜美、口感滑嫩、营养丰富等特点。
- Han Han county located serrata, Ming Chi-Ghazal, in 1913 to lead River County, 1928 to Linxia County. Due to the approach of big name in Xiahe. 汉设枹罕县,明置河州,1913年改导河县,1928年改临夏县。因临近大夏河而得名。
- This dissertation described simultaneous isolation and purification of huperzine A and B from traditional Chinese herb Huperzia serrata simply and efficiently by so. 研究内容涉及草药蛇足石杉中两个目标产物石杉碱甲和石杉碱乙的同时分离纯化,通过浸提及三步低压层析的过程优化组合,实现了两者的简捷、高效提纯。
- These features may imply that, in branches of Zelkova serrata, the secondary phloem of the upper side (reaction phloem) may have a higher translocation efficiency. 此外,上侧次生韧皮部的筛管细胞较长也较宽,在两个筛管间具有的筛板亦较为水平排列,这些特徵可能意味著台湾榉的枝条上侧的次生韧皮部(反应韧皮部)具有较高的输送效率。
- In September 2005,"yellow water disease" named by the local people broke out in the cultured mud crab Scylla serrata in the Shanmen area,Zhejiang,and resulted in high mortality. 利用光镜和电镜对2005年9月浙江三门湾地区某养殖场发生的养殖锯缘青蟹规模性死亡病蟹进行观察,并对病原进行分子生物学鉴定。
- Far 16 countries in the period, Xianbei V's family had been begging in the establishment of the West Han regime serrata (AD 385-431), the rule of 47 years. 远在十六国时期,鲜卑族乞伏氏曾在枹罕建立西秦政权(公元385-431年),统治达47年之久。
- With its great nutriment and economic value, Scylla serrata has been chosed to be an important aquatic animal which has become an primary species in inshore area. 摘要近年来,由于各种病害的发生,给海水养殖业造成巨大的经济损失。
- Huperzia serrata (Thunb.) Trey. 千层塔
- Huperzia serrata(Thumb. ) Trey. 千层塔