- Haitong payment in gold products in the category FOF income ranked first. 海通金中金产品在FOF类别中收益排第一。
- On a basis of fully understanding gold products, the passage will introduce the influence of syphonage theory application to gold investment. 在熟悉黄金产品的基础上,本文将介绍虹吸在黄金投资中的应用。
- There are severe lack of liquidity in the OIL and GOLD product due to the economics recession, ODL has to wide the spread. 目前由于全球经济衰退的原因,原油和黄金产品严重缺乏流动性,因此ODL不得不扩大点差。
- The reduction process of SBRF-E gold and silver refining is carried under using SBRF reducer and controlling the redox potential.The purity of the gold products is over 99.99% . 金银精炼新工艺采用SBRF作还原剂;通过控制氧化还原电位来控制还原;产品金纯度达到99.;99%25以上;
- Simultaneously the unearthed golden vase is the pure gold product, the height 13 centimeters, the melon leng shape, is Song Dynasty's model shape. 同时出土的金瓶为纯金制品,高13厘米,瓜棱状,是宋代的典型器形。
- The company has more than 30 years of watermelon cream products, the three series of gold production history, technical accumulation deep. 公司具有30多年的西瓜霜系列产品、三金片系列产品的生产历史,技术积淀深厚。
- Solution is: for printing Gold product special gold ink or special glue or alter the processes, bronzing products after stamping the mulching, many manufacturers introduced a technology is very good. 解决办法是:针对印金产品采用特种金墨或特种胶水,或改变工艺,烫金产品先覆膜后烫金,很多厂家采用后一工艺,效果非常好。
- The country's main products are gold and cocoa. 这个国家的主要产品是可可和黄金。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- The gold was glinting in the sunlight. 金子在阳光下闪闪发光。
- With the development of gold production,the gold mine tailings increase graduall y. 随着黄金生产的进程,黄金矿山排放的尾矿日益增多,堆积如山。
- The determination and control of the density of sodium cysnide are important projects in gold Production. 氰化钠浓度的测定及控制是黄金生产中的重要研究课题。
- The government contributed $500,000 to the tank, which is also funded by Fool's Gold production and Warner Roadshow Studios. “政府的‘太平电影’和电视代理以及华纳移动工作室,通常为他们的下一部电影,与很多需要水池设备的大电影公司进行商议。”
- She had the sapphire set in a gold ring. 她把那枚蓝宝石镶在金戒指上了。
- The American Stock Exchange's Gold BUGS Index, which stands for Basket of Unhedged Gold Stocks, includes only companies that don't presell their gold production beyond 18 months. 美国证交所的黄金BUGS指数跟踪一篮子无对冲头寸的黄金股,只包括预售黄金期限不超过18个月的公司。
- The place is known for its handicraft products. 这地方因出手工艺品而出名。
- The greenstone belt type gold deposit in the North China craton (NCC), one of the most important deposit types in China, is the major source of gold productions and reserves. 华北克拉通中绿岩带型金矿床是我国最重要的矿床类型之一,也是我国黄金产量和储量的主要来源。
- Argentina is a big exporter of beef products. 阿根廷是牛肉制品的一大出口国。
- Many customers spoke for these new products. 很多顾客订购了这些新产品。
- Rising Gold Price Fuels Sales of Gold Products 黄金价格攀升金饰热销