- Goh Hock Guan 吴福源(1935-),马来西亚人,民主行动党负责人。
- The company was heavily in hock to the banks. 这家公司欠了银行大笔借款。
- Tay Guan Hock Marcus on cutting waste in China's offices. 郑源福呼吁减少办公室资源浪费。
- The hock of a horse or other animal. 肘关节马或其它动物的腿肉
- Peter Koh Hock Guan 许福源
- Having paid off the pawnbroker, I now had my watch out of hock. 偿还了当铺老板的债,我赎回了自己的手表。
- I'm in hock to the tune of (ie I owe a total of) 5000. 我负债总数达5000英镑。
- Provide the air GOH container service. 提供挂衣箱制作服务。
- What PM Goh said was truly significant. 这是非常有意义的谈话。
- Guan Junjie: I see. Nice to meet you. 关俊杰:我知道了。很高兴认识你。
- Outside Xiao Guan Yuan, a mural made art immanent. 小观园外,一陶瓷壁画,艺术无所不在。
- Tay Guan Hock Marcus is Roots &Shoots Eco office Evaluation Programme Coordinator. 郑源福,“根与芽”无污染办公项目专员。
- They learned that the man was named Guan Yu. 交谈中得知,此人名关羽。
- PRIME Minister Goh Chok Tong first visited China in 1971. 吴作栋总理第一次走访中国是在1971年。
- Zhongshan City Guan Sheng Coatings Co., Ltd. 中山市广升粘合材料有限公司。
- I'm in hock to the tune of 5000. 我负债总数达5000英镑.
- Why Did Guan Yu launch the Xiangfan Campaign? 关羽为何要发动襄樊战役?
- Cause dissatisfaction from Zhang Fei and Guan Yu. 却引起了张飞和关羽的不满。
- Thought we'd never get outof hock. 我们再也不可能还清债务。
- Recently, Mr Zhu met Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong in Manila. 在访问新加坡之前,朱镕基曾与吴作栋总理在马尼拉见过面。