- He went from door to door, selling encyclopaedias. 他逐门逐户去推销百科全书。
- A sergeant went from door to door requisitioning bullets for the men. 一名中士挨家挨户地给战士们征集弹药。
- He went from door to door asking about this matter. 他挨家挨户打听这件事。
- He went from door to door delivering the milk. 他挨家挨户送牛奶。
- The beggar goes from door to door for a meal and a glass of beer. 这乞丐挨门挨户乞讨饭和啤酒。
- On Halloween many children wear ghost costumes8 and masks or witches' hats and go from door to door to ask their neighbors for candy by saying“ Trick or Treat! 这天晚上,许多孩子穿起鬼魂的服装,戴着面具或巫师的帽子到邻人家挨家挨户要糖吃,嘴里说着:“不给糖,要遭殃!
- The children went from door to door begging for food. 那些孩子挨家挨户地讨饭。
- Solicitors went from door to door seeking donations. 募捐者挨家挨户寻求捐。
- He is going from door to door collecting electricity fees. 他正在挨家收电费。
- We will go by bus. Solicitors went from door to door seeking donations. How fast can the boat go? 我们将坐公共汽车去。募捐者挨户筹募钱款。这条船行驶的速度有多快?
- We will go by bus.Solicitors went from door to door seeking donations.How fast can the boat go? 我们将坐公共汽车去。募捐者挨户筹募钱款。这条船行驶的速度有多快?
- He lives somewhere around here. Try to find him by going from door to door. 他就住在这一带,你挨着门找找。
- She went from door to door telling everyone to attend the community hearing. 她挨户通知大家去参加居民大会。
- Those rag men going from door to door sometimes may also earn quite a handsome sum of money. 那些收破烂的人走街串户,有时也能挣不少的钱哩。
- They went from door to door to advise the residents(on)how to store their vegetables. 他们挨门挨户地去向居民建议怎么贮存蔬菜。
- They went from door to door to advise the residents on how to store their vegetables. 他们挨门挨户地去向居民建议怎样贮存蔬菜。
- Tzu Chi volunteers in Seattle mobilized without delay, and went from door to door to assess damage, the details of which will be used in preparation for future aid relief. 西雅图慈济志工立即动员,逐家逐户的了解灾情,为未来赈灾的计画做准备。
- The peddler hawked his wares from door to door. 小贩挨户叫卖货物。
- The beggar begs from door to door. 这个乞丐挨门挨户地要饭。
- How fast does your new car go? We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus; The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect;The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell. 你的车行进的速度是多少?