- Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of its bottle? 为什么胶水不会粘住瓶子的里面呢?
- Glue sticks to the finger. 胶水粘手指。
- Don't romanticize stick to the facts. 别夸夸其谈了--说实际的吧。
- Miessner examines it and notices a bit of packaging glue stuck to the statue. 史蒂夫仔仔细细地检查它的外观,发现有些胶水粘在它身上。
- We don't want to hear your opinions; stick to the facts! 我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实!
- His articles just stick to the topic. 他的文章很切题。
- As this currency passes from hand to hand,some of it inevitably sticks to the fingers that it touches. 这笔款几经转手,必然有一部分被经手人染指。
- This stamp won't stick to the envelop. 这张邮票在信封上贴不住。
- As this currency passes from hand to hand, some of it inevitably sticks to the fingers that it touches. 这笔款几经转手,必然有一部分被经手人染指。
- When he's talking he never sticks to the point. 他说话总是不着边际。
- We should stick to the study of Marxism-Leninism. 我们应当坚持研究马列主义。
- Don't fly off at a tangent,stick to the subject. 紧扣主题,不要跑野马。
- Clods of soil stuck to the spade. 土块黏在铁铲上。
- Flying is simple if you stick to the rules. 如能严守驾驶规程,飞行是简单的。
- Do not stick to the standard abstract structure. 摘要结构不规范。
- The tree to the top of the stick to it straight. 将树捆在木棍的顶端使之保持竖直。
- You will be fine as long as you stick to the rules. 只要你坚守这些规则,你就会没事的。
- She handed on the stick to the girl next to her. 她把棒子传给她旁边的女孩。
- Stick to the end, and you'll be selected the mayor. 坚持到底,你会被选为市长的。
- Stick to your principles; stick to the diet. 坚持你的原则;坚持食谱。