- Some of the breeds you will see include Longhorn Cattle, White Park Cattle, Wensleydale Sheep, Tamworth Pigs and Gloucester Old Spot Pigs etc. 其中我们在这儿可以看到的一些品种包括长角牛,白角牛,温斯利代长毛羊,塔姆沃思猪(一种皮毛呈红棕色的英国种肉用猪)和格洛斯特斑点猪等等等等。
- Gloucester old spot pig 格洛斯特
- Saddleback, Middle White, Gloucester Old Spot is far superior. 例如:鞍型猪、中白猪、恪洛斯特斑点猪等都是原始猪种。
- At the moment we favour Gloucester Old Spot but we also sell Sandy and Black as well as Tam worth pork. 目前,我们出售格洛斯特斑点猪、桑迪猪、黑猪,肉的品质和塔拇猪一样好。
- Old spot pig 老斑点猪
- The Gloucestershire Old Spot or Orchard Pig has been around for about 200 years. 带有斑点的格洛斯特郡猪也叫做果园猪,它已经有200年的历史。
- The Gloucestershire Old Spots is a traditional breed suited to extensive production systems. 格洛斯特郡斑点猪是一个古老的品种,它们非常适合广阔的户外养殖。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- That old man is a fount of wisdom. 那个老人有无穷的智慧。
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。
- Old George was laid away in his favourite spot on the hill. 老乔治被埋葬在山上他所喜爱的那块地里。
- Duke and Duchess of Gloucester live in their own dukedom. 格洛思特公爵及公爵夫人住在他们自己的公国里。
- That old block of flats is a real eyesore! 那座旧公寓真不顺眼!
- He has planned to lacquer the old table. 他计划给旧桌子上一层漆。
- I'm afraid the old gramophone has conked out. 恐怕这架旧唱机已出故障了。
- That guy is capable of squeezing money out of his old mother. 那家伙做得出勒索老母亲钱财的事来。
- That old lady is very nosy, so nobody likes to talk to her. 那个老妇人是个包打听,因此没有人喜欢跟她说话。
- The cupboard was stuffed with old fishing tackle. 小橱里塞满了旧的钓鱼用具。
- The guest speaker will be our old friend John Lewis. 特邀演讲者将是我们的老朋友约翰。路易斯。